Nasrallah: Lebanon Receives Fair Share in Gas Fields Due to Deterrence Balance

by time news

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah spoke on Iran’s “International Jerusalem Day” and claimed that the US’s influence in the region is weakening. He stated that Israel is no longer America’s top priority and their leadership is under pressure. In a threatening message to Israel, Nasrallah warned that if they decide to attack, Hezbollah will respond quickly.

Nasrallah also suggested that America’s power has weakened recently, giving the examples of Venezuela and Afghanistan as proof. He claimed that the countries in the Middle East doubt America’s ability to stand by them. In addition, Israel’s ability to deter is weakening, and attempts to create an Israeli-Arab axis to lead a war against Iran has failed.

Regarding the recent rocket launch to the North, Nasrallah claimed that Hezbollah will adopt the policy of ambiguity and let the enemy wonder. The enemy should fear and worry, and this is what strengthens the equation of deterrence that has protected Lebanon since 2006.

Nasrallah also addressed the internal situation in Israel, claiming that their enormous internal division could lead to civil war. At the same time, mass marches, attended by Hezbollah supporters, took place at the Lebanese border near Metula.

Meanwhile, Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, gave a speech in Gaza, stating that Arab and Islamic countries must reconcile and end the state of conflict between them. He estimated that Syria will return to the Arab League and added that the unity of the resistance forces is crucial in dealing with the Zionist project.

In conclusion, the speeches of Nasrallah and Sinwar reiterate their commitment to the resistance and the protection of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah spoke today (Thursday) on the occasion of Iran’s “International Jerusalem Day” and claimed that the influence of the US in the region is weakening. “Israel is no longer America’s top priority. The war in Ukraine and the cold war with China, which could develop into an actual war, preoccupy it much more. Israel is very worried about this matter and its leadership is under pressure. Netanyahu removes responsibility from him and throws him on the torch.”

Nasrallah in a threatening message to Israel: “If you decide to attack – Hezbollah will respond quickly”

“Significant developments have happened recently. America’s power has weakened, not like it used to and we have two examples of this. Venezuela where America failed in its plot, and its failure in Afghanistan escaped from it. The point is that the countries of the Middle East doubt America’s ability to stand by them,” he claimed.

Nasrallah also said that “Israel’s ability to deter is getting weaker. Bets on the disintegration of the resistance, in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, have failed miserably. In addition, there is talk of establishing relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran and the return of Syria as a legitimate entity. Turkey is also showing a willingness to return to talk with Syria. All of this will slow Israel’s normalization, and the unity of the axis of resistance has damaged the ability and ambition to create an Israeli-Arab axis, and the bet that this axis will lead a war against Iran has failed.”

Regarding the launch of the rockets to the North, he claimed that “it was an important and major event. Considering the situation since 2006, I did not speak about it a week ago because it was necessary to study the situation and consult. We believe that we will adopt the policy of ambiguity versus conducting the campaign with the enemy is the preferable thing, let the enemy wonder The enemy needs to be in fear, he needs to worry and he needs to fear and think. He is the one who conquers and attacks and threatens all the countries of the region and attacks every day in Syria – well not every day but most days – and every day threatens Lebanon. So why give him answers? The enemy needs Always worry and be afraid. This is what strengthens the equation of deterrence and the rules of confrontation that have protected Lebanon since 2006. This is what ensured that Lebanon gets what it deserves in the oil and gas fields, and this is an equation that proved itself last week.”

“After all the meetings of the cabinet and the senior officials and the army, they came out and said that they separated Lebanon and Hezbollah from the response. This is the achievement for them. Netanyahu came and claimed that they attacked Hezbollah and Hamas infrastructure in southern Lebanon. This is an obvious lie, all the media went and filmed what was attacked. Part of it is orchards and banana plantations, part of it is an agricultural irrigation system. You see that nobody’s infrastructure was attacked, Israel attacked bananas in southern Lebanon.”

Nasrallah added: “Netanyahu can lie to his people, it’s his business. He clearly lied to them, he knows, his ministers know, the army knows and all Israelis know – what he claimed simply did not happen in southern Lebanon. He had to lie. He admitted that the Israeli deterrence has worn off in all arenas and promised to improve Israeli deterrence, but he asked for time and I say he needs a lot of time – and he won’t succeed either.”

Referring to Netanyahu’s accusations according to which last year’s gas agreement damaged Israeli deterrence, Nasrallah said: “Netanyahu put the blame on the previous government, he lied and said Lapid signed an agreement with Hezbollah and everyone knows, both in Lebanon and in the world, that the government did not sign an agreement with Hezbollah but with the government of Lebanon.”

Netanyahu said in an interview yesterday that he threatens me, mentioned my name and said that I will see you again. OK, so I say – we’ll see and time will tell. The enemy should know that all these threats of his are useless and only make us stronger, and make us more determined,” added Nasrallah – and then threatened: “Any action that harms any person in Lebanon, no matter if it is Palestinian or Syrian or Lebanese, we will respond to it as much as we want and in a way that seems appropriate.”

Regarding the internal situation in Israel, the Secretary General of Hezbollah said that “the enormous internal division that Israel is currently experiencing has led to the overflowing of everything that the Israelis kept deep inside that would not come out. Dubbed in a bloodless war, which could lead to civil war. The reluctance of its reserve forces is another significant layer and the erosion of the Israeli deterrence capacity which Israel itself admits to. These are significant developments for the resistance.”

At the same time, mass marches took place in recent hours at the Lebanese border near Metula. According to Hezbollah-affiliated media, the marches are attended by hundreds of youths waving Hezbollah flags. Lebanese army soldiers stand between them and the border fence and prevent them from approaching

Sinwar: “Israel understood our message from all the arenas”

Meanwhile, the leader of Hamas Yahya Sinwargave a speech in Gaza and said that “the legal obligation obliges the nation to renounce differences of opinion and unite the nation’s project, and necessity obliges the Arab and Islamic countries to reconcile and end the state of conflict between them. One of the goals against ‘those who stand in the way’ of the liberation of Palestine must be the unity and harmony of the peoples of the nation A number of blessed agreements have taken place in the last few weeks, and everyone understands today that the world is full of violence and persecution, and it will rearrange itself and there will be no room for the weak.”

Sinwar estimated that Syria will return to the Arab League and added that “We believed throughout the last period that we, as Palestinians, with Jerusalem and our Al Aqsa represent the sticky substance that can bring together the diaspora of the nation and unite its ranks towards its first goal. A great injustice has fallen upon us from many enemies who wanted us to stand on one side On the other hand, in the internal conflicts that took place, they tried to divert our strategic path to prepare for the battle of the promise of life after death.”

“We would like to reassure our people. We are all on the axis of Jerusalem, and after most Arab and Islamic regimes and governments have abandoned their duty to protect Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa today, after a long time, one hand is there to defend Jerusalem. On the way to the readiness of the axis of Jerusalem in the path of promise for the near future. We see these days The Jerusalem axis will be built and reconciled with Syria, which is one of the most important arenas. The credit goes to building the resistance, supporting the Islamic Republic, backing Assad in Syria and developing our relationship with Hezbollah,” he concluded.

Yahya Sinwar (Photo: REUTERS/Mohammed Salem)

Yahya Sinwar (Photo: REUTERS/Mohammed Salem)

Earlier today, the Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad movement, Ziad al-Nakhla, in a speech in Baghdad said that “in Jerusalem the Zionist project will fail, and they will not be able to banish our history. The unity of the Arab and Islamic resistance forces in dealing with the Zionist project is an important pillar for supporting the Palestinian people and defeating the Zionists. There is no peace and all the axes of resistance confirm their presence and support for the Palestinian people.”

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