Nathalie Desplas highlights inclusion and gastronomic tourism within her management in the capital

by times news cr


A few weeks before the end of his term as Secretary of Tourism from Mexico City, Nathalie Desplasspoke with 24 Horas about the achievements obtained within his administration to promote the tourist image from the capital.

After taking office in 2022, Desplas Puel mentioned that the wide variety of tourist offerings in the city have made thousands of people around the world delve into the cultural, gastronomic and historical offerings that Mexico City has to offer.

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“In the city we have religious tourism, medical tourism, social tourism, we have the traveling hummingbird program that helps us bring the entire priority population to be able to enter a museum, that is why in 2023 we were able to support more than 570 thousand people,” said the head of the capital’s Tourism Secretariat.

Since the city is not a homogeneous area and all corners of the 16 municipalities have something to offer tourists, the aim was to include the rural and peripheral regions of the capital in various ways, with the aim of promoting their work and offering them greater economic growth.

Nathalie Desplas mentioned that an example of this has been the flower festivals, where farmers and workers from Xochimilco, Tlalpan or Milpa Alta have found these events as a showcase to show what they have to offer the world, and that it is not only natural tourism that can be found within these municipalities.

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Finally, and on the occasion of the inauguration of the 2024 edition of ABASTUR, the head of the Tourism Secretariat highlighted the growing impact obtained in visits to the city to learn about the gastronomy of the capital and that an example of this was the inclusion of several restaurants in the Michelin Guide.

“There is now a new generation of tourists who come to Mexico City to try its cuisine. Today, you can find everything here: pre-Hispanic food, signature food, traditional food, fusion food, contemporary food, and more. That is why the city’s cuisine is so well-known.”


2024-09-03 15:14:32

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