National Assembly delegates seek to overcome difficulties in 3 National Target Programs | Politics

by time news

2023-10-30 08:25:29

The results of new rural construction are not uniform and not truly sustainable; Some localities lack determination and show signs of slowing down in directing the implementation of new rural construction.

That is the opinion of Chairman of the Ethnic Council Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam, Deputy Head of the National Assembly’s supervision delegation on the implementation of 3 National Target Programs on building new rural areas for the period 2021-2025; sustainable poverty reduction period 2021-2025; Socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period 2021-2030 (referred to as 3 National Target Programs).

Difficult to complete goals

Chairman of the Ethnic Council Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam said that the monitoring team conducted direct supervision of the Government, 11 ministries, branches and 15 provinces representing regions and regions and the level of program benefits; Organized many working meetings with ministries, branches, and the Government; Make maximum use of audit and inspection results and opinions of ministries, branches and localities.

Chairman of the National Assembly’s Ethnic Council, Standing Deputy Head of the National Assembly’s Supervision Delegation Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam presented at the meeting. (Photo: PV/Vietnam+)

The Chairman of the Ethnic Council also said that the implementation of the program has many limitations. Development investment capital from the central budget is allocated slowly and the counterpart ratio is still high, causing difficulties for some localities, especially poor provinces.

The progress of disbursement of central budget capital in 2022 and the period 2021-2025 is still slow compared to requirements, especially non-business capital. By June 30, only 9.17% of the year’s capital plan had been disbursed.

Regarding the results of implementing the National Target Program on New Rural Construction, Mr. Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam said that as of June 30, the whole country had 6,022 communes (73.65%) meeting the standards. new countryside1,331 communes meet advanced new rural standards and 176 communes meet model new rural standards.

“The results of building new rural areas are not uniform and not really sustainable; Some localities lack determination and show signs of slowing down in directing the implementation of new rural construction,” said Mr. Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam.

Delegates watched reports about the implementation of 3 National Target Programs. (Photo: PV/Vietnam+)

About National Target Program Sustainable Poverty Reduction for the period 2021-2025, Mr. Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam said that the central budget allocation to implement the Poverty Reduction Program is still slow. Disbursement of central budget capital in 2022 (until January 31) only reached 35.63% of the plan.

“Promoting ownership and active and proactive participation of the community and people in poverty reduction work is not yet substantial. The results of reducing the annual poverty rate do not really fully reflect the impacts of the Program,” Mr. Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam raised the issue.

[Hôm nay, Quốc hội sẽ thảo luận về 3 chương trình mục tiêu quốc gia]

For the National Target Program Social economic development Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas approved by the National Assembly Investment Policy in Resolution No. 120/2020/QH14 has a minimum budget of about 137,664 billion VND, including 10 projects, 14 Subprojects implemented on 49 provinces.

“Disbursement results are low, from 2022 to June 2023 disbursement is about 18.9% compared to the medium-term plan. The Monitoring Team stated that the lives of ethnic minorities still face many difficulties, economic and social development is slow; The rate of poor, near-poor households and the risk of falling back into poverty is high,” Chairman of the Y Thanh Ethnic Council Ha Nie Kdam presented.

People don’t want to escape poverty?

Delegate Do Chi Nghia, Phu Yen Provincial National Assembly Delegation, said that escaping poverty must begin with the people’s will to rise. The support of the community, programs, and policies of the state are only meaningful when the main actors have the awareness to rise up.

“Reality shows that there are many cases who just hope to continue being poor households to continue to enjoy support regimes and policies and prioritize poverty reduction. I think there needs to be a fundamental change in perception to have a real change in this issue,” the delegate stated.

In addition, delegates also suggested the need to promote communication about vocational education. Disbursement in communication about national target programs is also inadequate. Delegates believe that localities need to overcome them to create high consensus among the people on the implementation of National Target Programs. This.

Delegate Tran Nhat Minh, Nghe An Provincial National Assembly Delegation spoke. (Photo: PV/Vietnam+)

Sharing the same opinion, Delegate Tran Nhat Minh, Nghe An Provincial National Assembly Delegation admitted that in reality there is still a phenomenon of people not wanting to escape poverty to enjoy benefits.

“When highland communes meet new rural standards and are no longer classified as particularly difficult communes, they will no longer enjoy social security regimes such as health insurance, rice support for students, and allowances for students. officials, civil servants, and public employees,” Mr. Tran Nhat Minh raised the issue.

Delegates said that this is a worrying issue that needs to be addressed soon. This shortcoming was mentioned in the Government’s report at the 5th Session, accordingly, a number of ministries and branches have not promptly had solutions to limit the impact of decisions to recognize communes and villages in Region I. , II, III ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period 2021-2025 have affected the enjoyment of policies by subjects living, studying, and working in especially difficult villages and communes that have now become new villages and rural communes.

Delegates suggested that there should be specific, feasible and practical solutions to remove and overcome this problem.

Regarding this issue, Delegate Tran Quang Minh, National Assembly Delegation of Quang Binh province, said that it is necessary to focus on propaganda work to the people, especially the poor in ethnic minority areas. Because, when people understand and agree with the policy, they will no longer have the mentality of expectation and dependence./.

PV group (Vietnam+)

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