National Assembly: Nupes deputies leave the hemicycle after comments by Eric Dupond-Moretti

by time news

Strong tensions erupted on Tuesday in the National Assembly, during Questions to the government. Many deputies from Nupes left the hemicycle after a speech by the Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti, who responded to the deputy related to the LR group, Meyer Habib. The latter had indicated that a “new anti-Semitism” was “always present in France, in particular on the left of this hemicycle, with the Islamo-leftists”. The Keeper of the Seals thus wanted to have a “little word” for “the far left”.

“Corbyn, apartheid, the words you chose to comment on the speech of the President of the Republic, these words stick to your skin! ” launched Éric Dupond-Moretti. The latter also targeted the far right and the National Rally, evoking “the point of detail in the history of the founding father, the 17 or 18 convictions”. “But it is true that justice is lax”, ironically launched the minister, before questioning: “Where did Soral, Dieudonné and his quenelle go? Where are they ? Hidden in your election campaign. »

“The government has decided to smear us”

Although most of the Nupes deputies then regained their seats, the LFI deputy Raquel Garrido castigated the speech of the Minister of Justice, believing that by using accusations of anti-Semitism, “the government has decided to smear us “. “We must fight anti-Semitism, we must repress it, pursue it. It must be said that this is an impassable line between a French Republican and a racist, an anti-Semite. If the government thinks that there are anti-Semites in this Chamber, then they must be identified and convicted. For this work, we will be alongside the Keeper of the Seals, ”explains Raquel Garrido.

“I have the impression that since he is not doing his job well, he is using anti-Semitism in a political way, which is really the worst service to the cause. I find it sad, the fight is necessary, urgent, and there he himself weakens the cause which is nevertheless on the agenda of his own ministry, ”she lamented. At the same time, in the hemicycle, the president of the socialist group Boris Vallaud declared: “In this hemicycle and everywhere in France, anti-Semitism is not an opinion, it is a crime that must be fought without released. »

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