National COE Resolutions April 18, 2023 – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-04-21 17:29:36

The National COE, in session on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, unanimously by the members
plenary, resolved:

  1. Order Governors to maintain active provincial COEs in the context of
    rainy season and El Niño Phenomenon, INAMHI and ERFEN will be requested to participate in
    the sessions that the Governors deem pertinent, to provide official information
    and updated to this coordination instance.
  2. Request the Cantonal and Provincial GADs to update and strengthen the plans for
    territorial response taking into account the forecasts exposed by the
    Scientific Technical Institutes as well as the Guidelines for the Rainy Season sent by
    the Secretary of Risk Management Management on October 08, 2022.
  3. Request the Provincial COEs to inform the National COE of the requests for resources
    generated by the Autonomous Decentralized Cantonal Governments and
    Provincial, based on institutional emergency declarations, so that
    are presented by the National COE to the Ministry of Finance for analysis.
  4. Provide the cantonal COEs of the provinces of Azuay, Bolívar, Cañar, Carchi,
    Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, El Oro, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Imbabura, Loja, Los Ríos, Manabí,
    Santa Elena, Santo Domingo De Los Tsáchilas, Galapagos and the Undersecretary of
    Governance in Pichincha, prevention tasks are carried out, in the territories
    exposed to threats from flooding and mass movements. The Secretary of Management
    of Risks, through its zonal coordinations, will provide the technical inputs
    necessary for this purpose.
  5. Request the presidents of the Cantonal COEs to order the activation and
    prepositioning of machinery and resources that allow the reduction of the effects
    by rainy season based on the Guidelines for Rainy Season issued by the
    Risk Management Secretariat, available at:
  6. Request the Decentralized Autonomous Governments to develop and disseminate
    communication campaigns through different media, with the aim of
    objective of keeping citizens informed of the weather situation and warning
    of possible events that may occur in their locations.
  7. Request the Decentralized Autonomous Governments to maintain coordination
    constant with the Zonal Coordinators of the Secretariat of Risk Management and the
    other institutions of the Decentralized Executive.
  8. Request INAMHI to refer to the National COE the institutional gaps that limit the
    generation of information and hydrometeorological knowledge, to be put into
    knowledge of the Ministry of Finance for its support.

#National #COE #Resolutions #April #Ministry #Public #Health

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