National Day on HIV/AIDS 2024: Building Interventions Based on Scientific Evidence in Togo’s Fight Against HIV

by time news

2024-07-14 17:29:19

The National Council for the Fight against AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (CNLS/IST), on July 11 and 12, 2024, in Lomé, organized the fourth national day on HIV/AIDS, around the theme ” Building interventions based on scientific evidence “. These meetings allowed the various actors in the fight against HIV/AIDS in To to review and validate high-impact interventions and strategies, as well as evidence-based data. This is to better refine planning and end HIV/AIDS as a major public health problem by 2030.

Assistance in opening the seats.

After 2009, 2012 and 2017, the National Council for the Fight against AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (CNLS/IST) organized, last week, the 4th Scientific Days on HIV and AIDS in Lomé. These meetings were marked with communication and conferences on the various interventions in the response in To and the results obtained. According to the data, with the implementation of the interventions, thanks to technical and financial partners, it was possible to accelerate the level of achievement of the three 95 objectives of UNAIDS, namely: ” achieve by 2025 detection of 95% of people with HIV, treatment of 95% of HIV positive people and prevention of viral load of 95% of people on treatment “. In this context, at the end of 2023, the prevalence of this condition within the general population is 1.6%. It is estimated that 88% of PLHIV know their status, more than 99% of those screened are on treatment and 90% of those treated are no longer transmitting the disease. With these interventions it was possible to find that HIV/AIDS affects more women than men and that the prevalence rate decreases from the Grand-Lomé health region to the Savanes region. Prejudice is more prevalent among key populations such as prisoners, sex workers (SW), men who have sex with men (MSM) and injection drug users (IDU). The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss interventions and strategies that lead to satisfactory results. This, to preserve the gains of the fight, to accelerate the response and to exist in 2025. Among those interventions and strategies, we can keep PrEP, self-testing, index testing, which leaves, in terms of prohibition. materials that are difficult to access in health centers can be found. Regarding care and treatment, a study was carried out in 2015. It shows that early treatment is of great benefit to patients and public health and no one should be left behind.

Furthermore, suppressing the viral load is an effective prevention strategy. Thanks to scientific progress, patients now have one antiretroviral tablet a day instead of a dozen at the beginning of the 2000s, and stigma and gender-based violence are barriers to access to care services for some users. Civil society participation and community ownership, delegation of tasks are also critical to the effective and efficient implementation of all program interventions and evaluations.

According to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, Dr. Kokou Wotobé, Togo, from the beginning of the epidemic, organized an institutional response adapted to its scale. He welcomed the progress made in the national response, stressing that “ this progress involves a significant 65% reduction in new infections and deaths between 2010 and 2023 “. Dr. Wotobé, however, recognized that there are still huge challenges and limitations, despite promising indicators. He welcomed the choice of theme, communications and conferences that will allow stakeholders to question themselves, understand certain strategic orientations and improve the quality of services.

After welcoming Togo’s progress, the Strategic Intelligence Adviser at the UNAIDS representation in Togo, Dr Angèle Maboudou, indicated that the latest report on the state of the response shows that there is a very specific path to end contribute to AIDS. In his view, this path will help humanity prepare for and respond to future pandemics and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ” The report highlights that effective responses to HIV are those rooted in strong political commitment. This means using data, science and evidence, tackling the inequities that hinder progress, supporting the essential role of communities and civil society organizations in the response and ensuring adequate and sustainable funding. “, she emphasized.

For the coordinator of the CNLS/IST, Professor Vincent Pitché, these scientific days make perfect sense. ” Science is dynamic and scientific and programmatic knowledge enables them to better irrigate interventions to fight AIDS. If we want to have a significant impact on our national response, we must collectively and based on our objective, therefore scientific data (studies, evaluations), the interventions that work and those that do not work or -identification works so well. “, he emphasized.

Françoise Aoui

#CNLSIST #actors #review #validate #high #impact #interventions #strategies #TogoPresse

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