National Directorate of Epidemiological Surveillance 2023 – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-06-19 19:12:15


Develop, determine, monitor and report the behavior of events and diseases of interest in Public Health, and their relationship with risk factors, determinants and conditions of health, generating timely and quality information, through technical tools developed for surveillance. health, with the purpose of generating public policy in response to these events.


Dr. Carlos Vinicio Chiluisa Guacho

Attributions and Responsibilities

a. Develop public policy proposals, bills, management models, technical standards, technical guides, regulations, agreements, and other regulatory instruments for national epidemiological management;
b. Develop plans, programs, projects, methodologies, tools and/or technical instruments with guidelines/strategies for national epidemiological management; as well as for surveillance and continuous monitoring of conventional and unconventional epidemiology issues, to guarantee and strengthen the comprehensive health care model, in coordination with the respective instances;
c. Manage and evaluate the implementation and application of technical and legal regulations, plans, programs, projects, tools and/or technical instruments with guidelines/strategies for national epidemiological management;
d. Manage the Comprehensive Epidemiological Surveillance System (SIVE) in the National Health System by complying with active, passive and sentinel surveillance of the different events subject to surveillance, articulating intersectorally and interinstitutionally with the different instances under the approach by its acronym in English ONE HEALTH ONE HEALTH;
e. Manage the Action Alert Surveillance Subsystem (SIVE Alert);
f. Execute the investigation of outbreaks and epidemics of events of national and international public health importance as required;
g. Execute the investigation of maternal mortality according to national and international regulations as required;
h. Manage the Surveillance Subsystem SIVE Hospital- Infections Associated with Health Care (IAAS) and carry out outbreak investigations;
i. Manage the Surveillance Subsystem of general, maternal, neonatal, infant and other preventable mortality at the national level;
j. Manage Specialized Surveillance Subsystems, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI), Influenza-Like Disease (ETI), Surveillance of New Vaccines (VINUVA), Antimicrobial Resistance (RAM), Malaria, HIV/AIDS-ITS, among others;
k. Supervise and evaluate the Infection Control Program at the hospital level;
l. Prepare and monitor the indicators contemplated in the National Antimicrobial Resistance Program in hospitals of the National Health System and in Reference Centers;
m. Deliver technical reports for the establishment of research priorities on public health events of national and international importance;
n. Deliver to the corresponding instances of the Ministry of Public Health technical information for the development of models and other tools that allow the strengthening and operation of the network of epidemiologists, their training and continuous training;
o. Monitor Events Supposedly Attributed to Serious Vaccination and Immunization (serious ESAVI) in coordination with the pertinent affiliated entities for the final event classification;
p. Develop and monitor compliance with indicators of the epidemiological surveillance system to guarantee its continuous improvement;
q. Develop, manage, monitor, supervise and evaluate the Community Surveillance Subsystem at the national level;
r. Develop, manage, monitor, supervise, and evaluate the Surveillance Subsystem for chronic non-communicable diseases;
s. Develop, manage, monitor, supervise and evaluate the Event-Based Surveillance Subsystem;
t. Develop methodologies, technical instruments with guidelines and tools for surveillance and continuous monitoring of conventional and non-conventional epidemiology issues, to guarantee and strengthen the comprehensive health care model, in coordination with the respective instances;
u. Manage the response of the National Network of Public Health Laboratories, for all epidemiological surveillance events;
v. Manage with all instances of the National Health System and institutions involved the application of the International Health Regulations;
w. Manage with competent organizations in the field of health at work, technical support for the development of plans, programs and / or projects necessary to strengthen health surveillance of occupational diseases;
x. Manage the organization and operation of the National Liaison Center for the International Sanitary Regulations;
y. Carry out the construction of the national epidemiological profile, with the information of the events under epidemiological surveillance, for decision-making in the different sectors of public health;
z. Develop the Network of Epidemiologists through its structuring, training, training and supervision of epidemiologists at the national level; as well as the development of technical information of the aforementioned Network for its articulation with the National Directorate of Professional Strengthening and Health Career, the Directorate of Human Talent Administration and with other pertinent instances of the Ministry of Public Health;
aa. Develop and monitor compliance with indicators of the epidemiological surveillance system to guarantee its continuous improvement; and,
bb. Develop and manage operational interventions in strategies for the prevention and control of Infectious Diseases.

Internal Management

Integrated epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases, with epidemic and pandemic potential and Integration of information and mathematical modeling. Epidemiological surveillance of chronic noncommunicable diseases. Event-based surveillance and strengthening of the Epidemiology network.

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