National Homeopathic Hospital inaugurates its first lactation

by time news

2023-07-21 20:00:38

The WHO recommends that all babies should be exclusively breastfed for their first 6 months of life.
The National Homeopathic Hospital recently completed 130 years of providing medical service.
It has services such as external consultation, surgery, internal medicine, gynecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology and dental, among others.

He National Homeopathic Hospital It is one of the oldest in our country. Its creation occurred on July 15, 1893 by the specialist Joaquín Segura y Pesado. With this in mind, after more than a century it has managed to overcome all kinds of challenges and stay on its feet. At the same time, it has also had to expand its facilities and precisely today it inaugurated its first lactary.

In this sense, the general director of the hospital, Diana Palami Antunezsaid that the Lactario Hospitalario represents a very important advance in the initiative “Hospital friend of the boy and the girl”. It is also an opportunity for patients to practice breastfeeding in an appropriate environment, even when the newborn is hospitalized.

Importance of breastfeeding

For her part, the director of Maternal and Perinatal Health Care, and head of the Breastfeeding Program of the National Institute of Perinatology (INPer)Bianca Fernanda Vargas Escamilla, said that the strategies for the promotion and protection of breastfeeding unite the sector and society for this priority responsibility in public health, at all levels of care and community spaces.

The head of the Nursing Service of the gynecology and obstetrics area of ​​the National Homeopathic HospitalAdriana Isabel Castañeda Huerta, added that the promotion of breastfeeding is essential to preserve the health of newborns.

“Our fundamental function is to reduce, even prevent, the incidence of diseases that occur in newborns precisely when they are no longer adequately fed.”

Another space inaugurated inside the National Homeopathic Hospital

At the same time, the Nursing Consultancy for the Elderly also began operations. The owner of the National Homeopathic Hospital He pointed out that it represents the possibility of comprehensive care for patients over 60 years of age, with timely screening and risk detection, to provide care plans, as well as a network of additional services that they may require.

The general director of the National Institute of Geriatrics (Inger)María del Carmen García Peña, congratulated herself on the start of operations of the consultancy, since it is launched in the context of the Decade of Healthy Aging established by the World Health Organization (WHO).

García Peña explained that the WHO established four parameters that the HNH consultancy meets. The first is the need for society to support and promote the abilities of the elderly.

Second, work towards a long-term care system. A third referent is the generation of mechanisms for comprehensive care that covers the entire spectrum of needs of the elderly. And the fourth pillar is the urgency to change the way of thinking, acting and feeling in relation to the aging process.

The start-up of the geriatric consultancy, whose design and implementation had the collaboration of Inger, represents a very significant advance in the achievement of the objectives and in the elimination of discrimination against the elderly.

Also read:

Doctors harass a nutritionist on social networks for criticizing breastfeeding

Breastfeeding: List with all the benefits that this practice offers

National Homeopathic Hospital celebrates 130 years, is it the most important of its kind in Mexico?

#National #Homeopathic #Hospital #inaugurates #lactation

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