National Plenary of the Frente Amplio enables four pre-candidacies

by time news

2023-11-20 13:34:48

The National Plenary of the Frente Amplio, dedicated to the historic leftist leader, Danilo Astori – recently deceased -, met with great relevance this Sunday to make crucial decisions. Within the framework of article 89 of the Statute, the decision has been made to elevate to the VIII Extraordinary Congress «Cro. Tabaré Vázquez” the names of prominent members of the party as pre-candidates for the Presidency of the Republic in the next national elections.

One day after the momentous National Plenary in the city of Maldonado, the qualification of the candidacies of four prominent figures was formalized: Mario Bergara, Carolina Cosse, Andrés Lima and Yamandú Orsi.

This quartet, with diverse profiles and support, is presented as a varied offer for the electorate of the Frente Amplio, which aims to return to the government after the current period in the hands of the right-wing coalition.

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Yamandú Orsi, current departmental ruler of Canelones, has a clear strategy. He plans to resign from his position “after the summer” to fully focus on the political campaign for the 2024 elections. He has solid backing, including the support of the Popular Participation Movement (MPP) and La Vertiente Artiguista, among other groups. broadfronts.

Carolina Cossefor its part, has consolidated significant support from sectors such as the Socialist Party, Nuevo Espacio, Espacio 1001 and Casa Grande.

Meanwhile, Mario Bergara He positions himself as the possible candidate supported by the Seregnista-Progresistas Convocation, an alliance that includes Fuerza Renovadora, Uruguay Assembly, Platform, the Christian Democratic Party, Magnolia and other sectors.

Finally, the mayor of Salto, Andres Limahas confirmed his intention to be a pre-candidate, thus joining the outstanding list of candidates to lead the Frente Amplio in the national elections.

#National #Plenary #Frente #Amplio #enables #precandidacies

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