National Police Authority Welcomes 769 New Police Trainees for Spring Semester 2024

by time news

– It is gratifying that so many want to become a police officer and contribute to a safer society, says national police chief Petra Lundh.

This week, admissions to the police training closed for the spring semester 2024. The police authority welcomes 769 students who are now starting their training as police officers. The training is between 52 weeks and 2.5 years, depending on the form of training, and ends with six months of postgraduate training.

– It is gratifying that so many want to become a police officer and be involved in contributing to a safer society. I wish you all a rewarding and developing educational period. I also look forward to welcoming you as ready and long-awaited police assistants in the future, says national police chief Petra Lundh.

Of the 769 students, 609 attend the basic education. 98 runs the function-oriented police training, which is aimed at graduates with specialist skills who are either employed within the authority or recruited externally. 42 students are already employed at the Police Authority and have taken the chance to further train as police officers by attending the operationally integrated police training. 20 students attend a new part-time police training with the opportunity for externally recruited people to combine studies with work.

In 2023, 1,485 people graduated from police training, which is a higher number than in previous years. In the same year, 1,839 people began training to become police officers, which is the highest ever. A total of around 3,200 students are now studying on a police training course.

The police training is open to applications throughout the year. The education is available in five locations in Sweden: Umeå University, Södertörn College outside Stockholm, Borås University, Linnaeus University in Växjö and Malmö University.

In Umeå, Växjö, Borås and Malmö it is possible to complete the training remotely. From the fall semester 2024, the distance education is also available at Södertörn University in Stockholm.

Here you can read more about becoming a police officer:


January 31, 2024 3:17 PM

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