National politics will continue

by time news

2023-06-13 15:02:29

President Ersin Tatar, Türkiye He stated that in his meeting with the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the issues of “continuing contacts for recognition and strengthening the economic structure” were discussed.

Erdogan’s joint press conference, “If it is to return to the negotiating table, this is the way to go. TRNCPointing to the words “It goes through the recognition of Turkey”, President Tatar emphasized that there is no turning back.

Stating that “Mr. Erdogan said that he would send Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz here upon his return to Azerbaijan,” Tatar noted that extensive meetings would be held with Cevdet Yılmaz to find solutions to certain problems.

President Ersin Tatar made both the visit of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the TRNC. Cyprus evaluated the Turkish Agency Cyprus (TAK) in terms of both the size of the problem and the internal issues.

“Erdogan’s first foreign visit to the TRNC is an indication of the importance he attaches to the TRNC”

Stating that he made the third visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to the TRNC during his two-and-a-half-year tenure, Tatar reminded that his first foreign visit after the swearing-in ceremony in Turkey was to the TRNC, and evaluated this as an indication of the importance Erdoğan attaches to the TRNC. Tatar added that Erdogan made his visit with a strong and important delegation.

Pointing to Erdogan’s words at the joint press conference, “If there is to be a return to the negotiating table, the way to this is the recognition of the TRNC,” President Tatar said, “We evaluated them together, and there is no turning back now. It was discussed that attempts will be made for recognition from the Organization of Turkish States and other friendly countries. The important thing is to strengthen the structure of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,” he said, and emphasized the importance of the continued support of the Republic of Turkey.

-“The Republic of Turkey will also carry out studies for the consolidation of two-statehood”

Reminding that the Republic of Turkey, founded by the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, is about to complete its 100th anniversary, Tatar said, “There are things to do in the second century of the Turkish Republic under the presidency of Mr. Erdogan. As a matter of national policy, more importance should be given to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,” he said.

Tatar stated that the mentality of the Greek Cypriot Administration, especially after its accession to the European Union, was towards a solution on a federal basis, the end of its military presence on the island with the guarantor of the Republic of Turkey, and the exclusion of Turkey from the Eastern Mediterranean. He said he wouldn’t.

“The policy we advocate is one of the main agenda items of the Republic of Turkey in the context of the Cyprus Problem. In other words, the Republic of Turkey will also carry out studies for the consolidation of this two-stateness,” Tatar said, saying that these efforts have two dimensions and conveyed the following information:

-“Erdogan will appoint Cevdet Yılmaz”

“The first is to constantly maintain contacts with foreign countries for recognition, to attract friendly states and to increase the visibility of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. After that, I think the event we call recognition is a spontaneous event. There are things to be done before diplomatic relations. Both cultural relations, trade relations, tourism, education, sports… Our Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce joined the confederation of chambers of commerce of the Organization of Turkish States, they will meet regularly and talk about trade and economy issues. We consider that all these will increase the visibility of us, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Mr. President will continue to support all these.

Secondly, the economic structure here is very important. We have passed the pandemic, the economic crisis is known… How does the TRNC protect itself against this inflation? We also discussed all these… There are also some situations at this airport that need to be overcome, there is the supply of electricity by cable, there is the opening of Ercan Airport until 20 July… Mr. Erdogan said that he would send Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz here on his return from Azerbaijan. told. Cevdet Yılmaz, a former minister, is, in his own words, a planner and budgeter. There will be extensive meetings here for a few days. We thank him… There are things to be done in the context of the Economic and Financial Cooperation Protocol. He said that he would assign Cevdet Yılmaz to find solutions to some of the problems experienced.

Therefore, on the one hand, our struggle for recognition and on the other hand, the Republic of Turkey stands behind the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in order to strengthen the economic structure.”

Emphasizing that the national politics in the Eastern Mediterranean is taking root, President Tatar said, “National politics will continue as it is” and stated that the work strengthens the ground for the TRNC.

-“The European Union is a party”

Reminding that last July, the TC offered the other party to meet at a conference in order to carry out the research of the natural riches around the island together, Tara said, “We did not receive a response to this. There is no answer either. Because the Greek side does not accept our sovereignty and existence. They continue to live in a fantasy world of their own. According to them, the Republic of Cyprus is the dominant element of this whole geography and the North is also dependent on the Republic of Cyprus. Unfortunately, we also see this in relations with the EU on some issues,” he said. Tatar also said that the European Union, of which Greece and the Republic of Cyprus are members, are parties.

Emphasizing that the Republic of Turkey is very sensitive about hydrocarbons and manages this issue in the best way possible, Tatar said, “We are able and will protect the rights of both the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the blue homeland.”

Stating that they discussed the earthquake issue in their meeting with Erdoğan, Tatar also stated that he called former minister Kenan Akın, who lost his two grandchildren in Adıyaman in the 6 February earthquake, to the Presidency yesterday and had him meet with Erdoğan.

Update Date: 13 June 2023, 15:06

#National #politics #continue

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