Nationwide Strike by Railway Unions Demands Urgent Reforms Following Tragic Train Accident

by time news

The unions SEΠ TRAINOSE and PEΠ TRAINOSE are proceeding with a nationwide 24-hour strike today, Thursday, September 26, demanding, among other things, immediate hiring, the replacement of rolling stock with modern trains comparable to those of European railways, as well as the completion of infrastructure works and transportation safety on the railway network.

The result of the strike mobilization is that suburban train schedules will not take place.

In their announcement, they emphasize that “the tragic accident in the Tempi area, where among the 57 fellow humans lost, were also 11 of our colleagues, highlighted the longstanding problems faced by employees in the railway sector and its neglect by the state.”

“The unions of Hellenic Train submitted a series of proposals for the safety of personnel and passengers four months ago and suspended the mobilizations we had announced to give the new management time to address these issues,” they state in their announcement and add: “Although the management stated that safety would be a top priority, despite their assurances about immediate, medium-term, and long-term interventions, the problems remain and hinder the smooth and safe operation of our colleagues.”

The complete announcement of the unions is as follows:

“The tragic accident of Tempi, where among the 57 senselessly lost lives were also 11 of our colleagues, highlighted the longstanding problems faced by employees in the railway sector and the neglect from the state.

Moreover, the government itself admitted that railway projects and systems concerning the safe transport of passengers and goods in our country have been significantly delayed (contract 717, etc.) due to continuous changes, extensions, and government interventions.

Unfortunately, just before the completion of the installation and operation of these safety systems (Signaling – remote control – communication), we experienced the destructive weather of Daniel, which devastated a large part of the railway network, simultaneously creating multiple problems in the movement of passengers and goods, as well as the smooth operation of Hellenic Train, with employees bearing the brunt of this burden.

Problems that, after a year and a half from the fateful day of the accident and the natural disaster, remain, while many of them, concerning OSE and Hellenic Train, persist and stagnate. The non-completion of the underground line in Athens after 17 years, the delay in completing the works at the Larissa station, the complete lack of modern means to address unruly passengers, the tragic state of the workshops, the lack of decent modern rolling stock, and primarily the TRAGIC SHORTAGE OF PERSONNEL highlight the absence of planning in the operation of the companies, the absence of a governmental plan, the historical neglect of the railway, the aimless and haphazard changes of all governments, which bear responsibility for the chaos and the closure of 1/3 of the railway network, have brought the railway into the tragic situation that we experience as employees and, of course, the devaluation of trains in the eyes of the traveling public.

The privatization of TRAINOSE and subsequently EESSTY for a very low price, which was supposed to function beneficially, has proven in practice to be another misguided political choice, the effects of which are glaringly apparent.

Outdated rolling stock, a lack of spare parts, understaffing of the technical base, a lack of modern mechanical equipment, antiquated facilities, and a series of other problems support our assessment.

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