NATO increases air defense

by time news – NATO prepares Ukraine for the winter of war: provides clothing to combat the cold but above all air defense to shoot down Russian missiles. The European Union, for its part, will train its military and send another 500 million euros worth of weapons.

From Brussels, the allies send a clear message to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin: any use of nuclear weapons will receive a powerful, albeit probably non-nuclear, response.

“Any nuclear attack on Ukraine will create a response, not a nuclear response, but one such a powerful response from the military that the Russian army will be annihilated“threatened the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is more moderate: “I will not go into the exact way we will answer but obviously this would radically change the nature of the conflict. It would mean that it was sovertaken a very important line“The former Norwegian prime minister specified that” even the use of small nuclear weapons will have serious consequences “.

At the meeting of defense ministers, the Alliance celebrates unity and compactness against Moscow which have been going on for eight months (and which may continue for a long time).

“I started working at NATO in 1975 when I was a young lieutenant and I have never seen it as united as it is today,” said US Secretary of Defense, Llyod Austin.

And he takes the opportunity to ask for greater commitment on the front of military spending. “The target we have set ourselves is 2% of GDP but in light of the events I encourage all states to spend more, also to replace what has been supplied to Ukraine”.

The replenishment of the arsenals is part of the current priorities of the Alliance. Many states are starting to struggle with military equipment. And the industrial chain was not equipped for a war economy.

However, the allies make themselves ready. Germany, Great Britain and Spain have announced the delivery of air defense systems to Kiev. Fourteen countries, to which Finland has also joined (for now only a NATO candidate), have also signed an agreement for a shield to protect the European skies.

An initiative that plunges back into the climate by Cold War and in addition to the nuclear exercise that NATO is planning next week.

“It’s routine,” assures Stoltenberg. But the exercise “was not postponed so as not to give the wrong message to Russia”. Because now dealing with Moscow’s moves is part of the routine.

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