Natural supplements to enhance female libido

by time news

2023-11-13 11:17:57

Each person builds their experience as a couple and the emotional connection is closely related to libido.referring to sexual desire, that impulse that ignites the spark of passion to live our sexuality to the fullest.

Sexual desire is a fundamental aspect of human nature to enjoy pleasurable intimate relationships.

Keeping your libido high has important health effects: It helps us stay energetic and happy, overflowing with positive emotions; It also contributes to strengthening our immune system, thanks to the feeling of well-being it generates.

Various causes can alter female sexual desire, such as: hormonal changes, consumption of certain medications, stress, poor diet, among others.

In this sense, it is of great interest to know the natural supplements to increase female sexual desire that we present below:


Maca – especially the purple variety – is a root used to increase energy and, therefore, improve vigor sexualin addition to having aphrodisiac properties.

It stands out for its high iodine content, which favors women’s hormonal balanceeven mitigating the effects of menopause by maintaining sexual desire.

You can find supplements in capsules or powder that you can add to foods and drinks. The dose is 500mg if it is the root extract.


Ginseng is a plant that contains ginsenosides and gintonin. These compounds complement each other, providing health benefits due to their properties such as physical, mental and sexual restorative.

Ginseng reduces fatigue and stress, therefore improving libido.

It has vasodilating properties that increase blood flow throughout the body. The increase in blood flow combined with arginine, also present in this plant, reduces vaginal dryness and improves clitoral sensitivity and therefore, sexual enjoyment.

The daily dose of Ginseng extract is around 400mg and can be taken in convenient capsules.

A terrestrial tribe

This plant provides proven benefits for women, especially in the treatment of Hypoactive Desire Disorder. The main difference with other plants intended to increase sexual desire is its efast and constant effect.

It is considered among the best natural alternatives to recover sexual appetite.

The recommended way to take Tribulus Terrestris is as an ingredient in food supplements that provide a high concentration of saponins, and placing the daily dose above 2000 mg.

Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna pruriens is a tropical legume, which is used to treat various diseases, as well as to increase libido.

Its main ingredient is levodopa (l-dopa), a precursor of dopamine.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that promotes cognitive functions, helps us move better, regulates hormonal balance and increases the perception of pleasure and enjoyment.

Taking Mucuna pruriens stimulates dopamine levels, increasing sexual desire.

500mg of Mucuna Pruriens extract per day is recommended.


Fenugreek is a herb very rich in saponins. Saponins have the ability to bind to estrogen receptors to mediate estrogenic events, minimizing some climacteric symptoms, including decreased sexual desire.

Furthermore, studies have been carried out in men and women, which report a increased sexual desire and excitement with the use of fenugreek supplements.

It can be consumed daily in capsules with a dose of standardized dry extract, a dose of 600 mg.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a plant whose leaves contain flavones, terpene lactones and phytosterols. This causes them to have venotonic, neuroprotective and vasodilatory effects.

Therefore, they are useful to treat disorders such as sexual problems related to reduced libido.

Some studies in women who regularly take Ginkgo biloba supplements support that it can offer benefits to improve sexual desire and relationships, which is why it is considered an aphrodisiac plant.

As for the daily dose, you should take 120mg of extract with a high concentration of active ingredients.

Vitamins B6 and B12

A poor diet affects sexual desire; Therefore, including some vitamins such as B6 and B12 can help us improve this aspect.

The vitamin B6 increases libidohelps the production of estrogens and substances such as serotonin and dopamine.

Serotonin is known as the happiness hormone and low levels of it are associated with depression. While we know that dopamine promotes pleasurable sensations.

The vitamina B12 For its part, it contributes to the production of red blood cells, which promote more intense and lasting sexual relationswhich strengthen libido.

A multivitamin nutritional supplement can be included to reinforce the diet, and contribute to providing these two micronutrients. Special attention should be paid by the vegan and vegetarian population regarding the contribution of b12.

Common factors that decrease sexual desire in women

Lack of sexual desire is a multifactorial symptomwhich occurs more frequently than is commonly thought and can come from various factors, among which we have the following:

Hormonal changes: In women, variations in hormonal levels associated with menopause, pregnancy, postpartum or the menstrual cycle can decrease libido. These hormonal variations fuel or inhibit arousal and desire for sexual activity. Estrogens also ensure the lubrication of the mucous membranes, which is why they play an important role in the proper functioning of female libido.Medications and medical conditions: Frequent taking of antidepressants is another factor that usually affects libido, as well as some chronic pathologies and hypertensive disease.Psychological factors: In this aspect, stress is decisive, since it has been proven that cortisol, a substance released by stress, makes orgasm difficult and also alters the menstrual cycle, limiting the release of estrogen. Another factor that lowers sexual desire is depression, due to its influence on mood decline, unleashing negative emotions and thus blocking the generation of dopamine.Relationship dynamics: A conflictive relationship, without effective communication or indifference in treatment, undoubtedly prevents any emotional connection and sexual desire is nullified.

Recommendations to improve sexual desire

Libido is vital for our sexual, physical and emotional health.

Furthermore, mutual desire and sexual compatibility are key elements for emotional connection in a couple. In this sense, understanding its importance and the factors that can influence it allows us to take measures to keep it healthy.

One of the measures to follow is make lifestyle changestaking into account the following recommendations to promote an enriching sexual life.

Exercise: The regular practice of physical exercise provides innumerable benefits on a physical and mental level, including the release of serotonin and dopamine that act for sexual health.Balance diet: Benefits sexual health. Recent studies declare how food is related to the level of libido and some nutrients are considered to promote sexual health. Among the suggestions that help improve libido, natural supplements from plants and vitamins B6 and B12 stand out.Stress management: It is important to keep stress under control, since its consequences produce conditions that reduce sexual desire. On the one hand we have symptoms such as fatigue and difficulty concentrating and on the other its hormonal effects with increased cortisol levels.

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