Nature on Doctor’s Prescription: The Health Benefits of a Green Environment

by time news

2023-08-25 13:20:00
Title: General Practitioner and Professor Roy Remmen advocates for the therapeutic benefits of nature

Subtitle: New book ‘Nature on doctor’s prescription’ highlights the positive impact of green spaces on overall health

Baarle-Hertog – Roy Remmen, a distinguished general practitioner with four decades of experience in Baarle-Hertog, Belgium, and a professor at the University of Antwerp, recently published the book ‘Nature on doctor’s prescription’ in collaboration with fellow researchers Dirk Avonts and Hans Keune. This insightful publication aims to emphasize the profound influence that exposure to nature can have on people’s health and well-being. The authors argue that a green environment can serve as a valuable complement to traditional medical treatments, particularly in the areas of decay, dementia, and allergy prevention.

Roy Remmen explains that the recent surge in interest regarding the therapeutic benefits of nature led to his involvement in a chair in Care and the Natural Environment, financially supported by the province of Antwerp. The book emerged from this initiative, as a means to raise awareness about the concept of the ‘green prescription’ and the utilization of nature as an additional therapy alongside conventional medicine. Remmen notes a growing interest among young general practitioners and medical students in exploring the potential of nature-based therapies.

Highlighting the numerous advantages of spending time in nature, Remmen points out that children who engage with natural environments are better protected against allergies. Additionally, ophthalmologists are increasingly recommending parents to encourage outdoor activities for their children, as it helps combat excessive screen time and the associated eye strain. For older individuals, exposure to green spaces has shown to be beneficial in terms of reducing the risk of decay and dementia. Remmen strongly advocates for the incorporation of greenery in healthcare institutions, recognizing the positive impact it can have on the well-being and recovery of patients.

Roy Remmen emphasizes the role governments can play in promoting the integration of nature in urban settings. He argues that the prevalence of intensive agriculture often contradicts the inherent needs of individuals. Limited green spaces in cities and town centers impact overall health, particularly during heatwaves. Studies have shown that a higher density of trees in urban areas helps alleviate extreme heat conditions. Furthermore, Remmen asserts that a greener environment translates to a reduced reliance on medication, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes. Encouragingly, he acknowledges a need for greater involvement from local authorities to prioritize and implement strategies for creating more green spaces.

Remmen proposes a simple guideline known as the 3/30/300 rule, stating that individuals should be able to see at least three trees or tree canopies from any given window. Moreover, he suggests that approximately 30% of the surrounding environment should comprise green spaces or tree canopies. Lastly, he advocates for the accessibility of a green environment within a 300-meter radius for every individual.

‘Nature on doctor’s prescription’ is published by LannooCampus and is available for purchase. To further promote the book and its underlying message, Roy Remmen will be delivering a lecture titled ‘Nature on prescription’ on Wednesday, August 30th, at 7:30 pm in the garden of the cultural center Baarle. Admission to the event is €5, and more information can be found on This lecture presents an excellent opportunity for individuals to gain a deeper understanding of the therapeutic advantages of integrating nature into healthcare practices.

In conclusion, Roy Remmen’s book serves as a call to action for medical professionals, policymakers, and the general public alike, urging them to recognize the invaluable role that nature plays in maintaining good health and to actively strive for more green spaces in our communities.]
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