Naturgy looks to Australia and the US to redouble its commitment to renewables

by time news

Nature has been marked as goal of achieving emissions neutrality by 2050 and have an installed capacity of close to 60% renewable sources in 2025. And to meet this ambitious goal within the framework of the energy transition and the creation of a decarbonized economy, it has set its sights on two other continents called to play a key role in your strategy: Australia and the United States.

The company thus continues with its work of development of a renewable portfolio, currently having more than 5.3 GW of installed power in operation. And it plans to invest 14,000 million euros during the validity of its roadmap to 2025, of which approximately two-thirds will be dedicated to promoting renewable generation, to move to more than 14 GW planned to be operational by the end of 2025. .

These investments confirm Naturgy’s strategic shift towards a more sustainable energy mix and its commitment to the energy transition. All this, without abandoning the fundamental objectives of creating value and growth for each of the businesses, as well as the objectives in terms of corporate responsibility (ESG).

Bet on Australia

Australia It is a priority country for Naturgy within its strategic objectives for the coming years. The group aspires to achieve an installed capacity in the country of 2.2 GW by 2025, with an investment of close to 2,000 million euros focused on the development of wind and photovoltaic technology plants and storage systems. The presence in the country dates back to 2007 and has always had the objective of building a solid renewable portfolio that provides clean energy sources and contribute to the development of rural and regional communities.

Naturgy has 276 MW of installed capacity in operation con the Crookwell 2 (96 MW) and Berrybank 1 (180 MW) wind farms. It is also finalizing the commissioning of another 109 MW at Berrybank 2. Additionally, a portfolio of wind projects of around 630 MW is backed by already signed power purchase agreements. On the other hand, N.aturgy has a portfolio of 417 MW of wind facilities under development in the state of Victoria.

It should be noted that in this country there is Queanbeyanthe first installation of battery storage of the company worldwide. It is located in the Australian capital region, next to the city of Canberra, and will be strategic in supporting the area’s distribution network. Through a Lithium-Ion battery system with a power of 10 MW and a storage capacity of 20 MWh, it will be able to accumulate electricity from renewable sources and turn it over to the grid when required at times of lower production.

On the other hand, Naturgy has announced construction of its first global hybrid solar and storage project in Australia. Called Cunderdin, it will have a photovoltaic solar capacity of 125 MW and a battery energy storage system of up to 220 MWh. Its construction will begin in the last quarter of the year, with the aim of entering commercial operation in the first quarter of 2024.

The project, which adds up to an investment of 160 million euros, will be close to Cunderdin, in Western Australia. In addition to being the company’s first worldwide hybrid infrastructure, It is the first photovoltaic technology developed in Australia and the first hybrid solar installation with batteries to be built in the country.

Day iIntegration of a battery energy storage system with a large-scale photovoltaic plant It will allow the infrastructure to offer greater flexibility in its operation, which in turn will make it easier for it to support the Australian SWIS wholesale power market during periods of peak power demand in the country.

US growth

In USA, Naturgy continues with its growth plan and has already startedor the construction of its first photovoltaic plant in this country, where in the coming years it will develop 3.2 GW of solar and 2 GW of storage. Specifically, the company plans to invest more than 1,000 million euros in the country in the coming years to have an operating capacity of 500 MW in 2023 and 1,200 MW in 2025.

Naturgy has begun construction of its first renewable energy facility in the United States, the 7V Solar Ranch photovoltaic plant, in the state of Texas, which will have 300 MW of peak power. The investment for this project will amount to 264 million euros.

The plant, which is expected to come into commercial operation before the end of 2023, will occupy an area of ​​more than 800 hectares and will be located in Fayette County, East Texas. The installation will consist of about 555,600 photovoltaic modules, which will generate 560 GWh of electricity per year.

Is Naturgy’s first photovoltaic plant in the United States will also be the company’s largest with this technology in the world. Its strategic location, close to large urban centers such as Houston, Austin, Sant Antonio and Dallas, will allow it to supply an area with high potential demand and continuous growth.

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The project will have a significant impact on the economic activity of the area, with the creation of an average of 200 jobs during the execution of the works, that will reach peaks of around 600 workers at times of greatest workload.

Last year, Naturgy bought a portfolio of 25 projects in the United States, totaling more than 3.5 GW, and signed an exclusive development agreement for them with Candela Renewables for the next five years. This agreement enables the development of solar and energy storage projects exclusively for Naturgy, the first of which is the one that has now begun to be built in Texas.

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