Nautica, 7th edition of the International Breakfast concluded

by time news

The seventh edition of the International Breakfast Meeting was held today, organized on the occasion of the Boot in Düsseldorf by the European association of the yachting industry (Ebi European Boating Industry) and realized this year in virtual format due to the cancellation of the edition. 2022 of the German exhibition for the pandemic emergency. The event, dedicated to networking and information on the latest market trends, offers operators, entrepreneurs and journalists in the sector the opportunity to exchange information on the latest market trends, regulations and innovation, as well as to develop new contacts and networks. The webinar had as its main theme “International trade opportunities and supply chain challenges”.

Confindustria Nautica, a member of Ebi, participated as a speaker and was represented by the Vice President Alessandro Gianneschi, CEO of Gianneschi Pumps and Blowers. The aim of the webinar was to help businesses navigate the EU’s future approach to trade, discuss solutions to recent supply chain challenges and identify new business opportunities for the marine sector.

Alessandro Gianneschi, Vice President of Confindustria Nautica and CEO of Gianneschi Pumps and Blowers, a leading company on the international scene in the supply of pumps and fans for luxury boats, work boats and small military units from 12 to 120 meters in length, has drawn up the overview of the current situation regarding the procurement of raw materials and components and the consequences on production and deliveries.

From a survey carried out on a significant sample of associated companies in the accessories and engines sectors, it emerged that the main supply countries are Italy, China, USA, Germany, Japan (in order of importance). Delivery times for raw materials from major suppliers in 2021 were longer than standard values, with the following distribution: 25% within 4 weeks, 45% between 5 and 8 weeks, 17% between 9 and 15 weeks, 10% between 16 and 30 weeks, 3% over 30 weeks. This has led to an increase in the obligation on the part of companies to schedule orders for raw materials and components to their main suppliers.

For 93% of the sample, many of the main suppliers of raw materials and components have increased their price lists compared to the previous year. The distribution of the observed price increases is as follows: 38% with increases up to + 10%, 30% with increases between + 10% and + 20%, 20% with increases between + 20% and + 50%, 12% with increases of more than + 50%. In view of the longer delivery times, it was therefore necessary to put in place adequate scheduling of orders to companies from their customers. In general, the main issues of the moment concern the serious shortage of microprocessors, the concomitant problems in the transport / logistics chain and, above all, as Gianneschi underlined, “the need for greater collaboration between shipyards and suppliers and the return to local production of at least part of the components “.

Together with him, they took turns on the virtual stage, moderated by Philip Easthill, General Secretary of EBI, Petros Michelidakis, Director of Boot Düsseldorf, Robert Marx, President of Boot Düsseldorf BVWW, Cristina Rueda-Catry, Cabinet Expert, Vice President European Commission executive and trade commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis, Marc Diening, CEO of Bavaria Yachts, Michael Heinemann, CEO of Phoenix Contact, Jean-Pierre Goudant, President of European Boating Industry.

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