Navigating Taxes in Retirement: What Retirees Need to Know to File Their Tax Returns

by time news

2024-04-22 19:02:00

The tax return is now open. If you are retired, you must also complete and validate it, like everyone else.

The year 2024 will see its share of changes regarding the tax return. And retired people will not be exempt, quite the opposite.

Retired people, both rights and obligations

The pension reform was hot topic in 2023. Therefore the latter emphasized the tension between the French and the president.

The massive demonstrations in Paris, Lyon, Marseille and Lille therefore showed that this reform was popularly rejected. And this, despite government tension to maintain.

Despite protests, the state continued with its project, prompting ongoing disagreements. Emmanuel Macron, recognizing him differences of opiniontherefore plead for a vision turned towards the future, encouraging even more contradictory views.

However, at the end of the year, positive developments has been communicated. Pensioners aged 62 have had their benefits extended to full retirement age, with increases in amounts.

The aim of this extension is to avoid a period without income many unemployed. As he fights against poverty among the elderly.

Beneficial changes

However, access to pensions requires compensation and affiliation. with unemployment insurance. With strict eligibility requirements.

In addition, discuss on a significant increase retreats began, especially for stay-at-home mothers. Their essential role in society is recognized and reforms are being developed aimed at improving their situation.

And this, especially to take into account their contribution to the family from the beginning of the children’s education. Recently, the Directorate General of Public Finance (DGFIP) published. its annual report of the year 2023.

Revenue increased by an average of 5.1% and tax schedule it was subject to a 5.4% revaluation. After this revaluation, the number of non-taxable households increased by 2.6%.

The year 2024 will be considered a year of change for members retirement insurance. By strengthening support, fighting against non-trust of retirement insurance and survivor’s pension rights, many changes are coming.

How to declare your income in retirement?

In France, around 50% of taxpayers benefit from a tax refund. While the other half must pay tax, with an average refund of 33 to 113 euros for the first and average tax Paying €72 to others.

But then, what costs can be deducted from the actual costs? The costs that really apply only with professional activity which is deductible from income taxes. These costs may include meals, telework costs, separate clothing, etc.

For several years, the tax authorities have automatically pre-filled certain information in the tax return. Such as the amount of salary, retirement pension, etc. However, it is necessary check this information before validating the declaration.

If you are retired or planning to retire, it is important to declare the income received during the working year. As well as retirement pensions and possibly the departure bonus retired

Retirement supplements from a Retirement Savings Plan are also required to confirm. When confirming and validating your information, make sure everything is compliant, otherwise you will have to start the process all over again.

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