Nawavej Hospital, in-depth PM 2.5 dust, a tiny silent threat that is not small for children

by time news

PM 2.5 is dust with particles smaller than 2.5 microns, which are too small for nasal hair to filter this type of dust. This type of dust will travel through the child’s respiratory tract. Through the nose and into the throat, trachea, bronchi, and alveoli easily. And can penetrate into the vascular system as well PM 2.5 dust is not just dust that causes allergies. or only irritation but also brings free gifts, which are carcinogens, various types of heavy metals Respiratory pathogens, both viral and bacterial.

educational articles For a guide for parents to take care of their children by Sirirak, M.D.
Kanchanatheerapong Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Specialist Children’s Health Center, Navavej Hospital collect information that is knowledgeable With explanations that are easy to understand Which is especially useful for parents to be able to adapt to care. And prevent children from getting sick from PM 2.5 dust

How dangerous is PM 2.5 dust to children? what affect Both short-term and long-term health effects. short term health effects Both in terms of illness easily
cause allergy Until causing the body’s system to malfunction affect mood All of which affect the study, sleep, growth and daily life of children a lot.

 respiratory system
The introduction of respiratory pathogens, whether viruses or bacteria cause illness more easily and more often

 Allergies in children can occur from an average age of 2 years or more.
Allergic rhinitis or allergic rhinitis Children have symptoms ranging from clear runny nose, wheezing, nasal congestion, and difficulty breathing. Runny nose, frequent sneezing, itchy nose with itchy eyes and itchy ears
Itchy palate, dry cough, itchy throat, phlegm, and even snoring. Eye allergies or allergic conjunctivitis Children often have itchy eyes. Frequent rubbing or blinking of eyes due to irritation Some people have rashes around the eyes, burning eyes, allergic to light, skin allergies or allergic dermatitis.
Children often have rashes, itching, dryness, peeling on the folds of the joints. especially the limbs There may be hives that come and go.

 Asthma in young children is often associated with respiratory infections.
There are often symptoms of fever and shortness of breath with asthma already. It can cause frequent exacerbations and impair pulmonary function.

Effects on pregnant mothers and fetuses increased risk of miscarriage Premature births and births of underweight babies increase the risk of developing allergies in infants. especially skin rashes during the first year and affects the development of fetal brain cells Puts babies at risk for developmental delays can cause speech and emotional problems

long-term health effects carry carcinogens various heavy metal substances which decreases the functioning and regeneration of the lungs, interfering with the metabolic system reduce antioxidants cause high blood pressure in young people causing inflammation and deterioration of the body, making it difficult for the body to recover Therefore more traces of injury or pigment cells appear on the skin. (Pulmonary function test can be started from 5 years old and above) How to make a differential diagnosis between allergies and symptoms from PM 2.5 dust?

Isolating allergy symptoms caused by exposure to allergens From the irritation from PM 2.5 dust, it may be difficult to do. But it is worth noting that the symptoms from PM 2.5 dust affect many
more systems in the body Therefore, there is deterioration and exhaustion as well. The diagnosis of allergy can be done by Specific IgE blood testing and skin prick testing are useful for more specific treatment of allergies. is treatment with allergy vaccines Immunotherapy itself.

How to prevent PM 2.5 dust

short term
1. How to properly wear a mask, N95 mask is the best mask to prevent dust.
It is advisable to start wearing masks in young children. From the age of 1-2 years, which may be used as a 3-layer filter mask instead

2. Check the air quality index (AQI- Air quality Index) regularly.

3. Installation of indoor air purifiers Or using a portable air purifier can reduce the amount of dust before entering the respiratory tract.

4. Spray, nasal spray, powder type Spray directly into the nasal cavity. To trap allergens, viruses, including PM 2.5 dust, not to be absorbed into the nasal septum

long term
1. Help reduce incomplete combustion process

2. Help increase green space in the workplace or surrounding environment.

3. Always check the condition of electrical equipment. to the state of the car to reduce combustion and cause air pollution

for warning signs that The child has symptoms that need to be brought to the doctor immediately. namely

 Sickness from respiratory disease more often, difficult to recover
 feeling short of breath together with having a fever every time
 Children have decreased daily activities, complaining of tiredness, fatigue, irritability.
 Allergy attacks frequently until the need for more medication to control symptoms

Finally, take care of your own health. Increase the strength of our physical condition by eating nutritious foods from the 5 food groups, especially foods that generate antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins B, C, E, cereals that contain omega and fish oil, drinking plenty of clean water. At least 6-8 glasses per day in conjunction with regular exercise. And getting enough rest is definitely the most important thing. And the closest to preventing the silent threat, PM 2.5 dust

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