NBA Star Anthony Edwards Accused of Trying to Force Woman to Have Abortion

by time news

2023-12-18 10:10:02
NBA Star Anthony Edwards Accused of Forcing Woman to Have Abortion

Instagram star Paige Jordi has come forward with shocking allegations against NBA star Anthony Edwards. Screenshots of a conversation between Jordi and Edwards were posted on her Instagram account, in which she claims that Edwards got her pregnant and then demanded that she have an abortion.

The conversation between the two reveals that Edwards was not willing to cooperate with Jordi’s wishes to keep the baby, and instead insisted that she have an abortion. In the conversation, he even offered to pay her for the procedure, to which Jordi agreed to receive $100,000 from him.

The conversation took an even more alarming turn when Edwards demanded that Jordi not only take the pills to perform the abortion, but also take a picture of the box of pills and record herself taking them. He then proceeded to ignore Jordi and eventually told her that the matter had been handled by his lawyer, who also did not respond to her.

Jordi took to Instagram to express her frustration, stating, “I have never run to the Internet about anyone! I tried to handle the matter privately, but I was ignored. I was lied to, misled, this is someone who knows exactly what he is doing and refuses to take responsibility.”

These allegations have come to light just days after Edwards’ current partner, Janine Rebel, announced that she is pregnant with his child. Rebel is the ex of rapper Chief Keef, and the couple already have a child together.

The shocking accusations against Edwards have sparked a public outcry, with many expressing their disappointment in the NBA star’s alleged actions. This story is still developing, and the public awaits Edwards’ response to these serious allegations.
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