Nearly 2,000 foreclosure lawsuits have been filed in our community courts over the last two and a half years

by time news

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In the State as a whole, the demands for foreclosure rose between 2020 and 2021, with the Euribor in negative, 36%, and total 60,986 in recent years

The foreclosure lawsuits carried out by financial entities continue their insatiable rhythm, according to the data obtained by ADICAE from the statistics provided by the General Council of the Judiciary. León is the gold medal in demands for executions in our territory with 400, followed by Valladolid with 362 and Burgos with 291 in this dubious and ugly ranking (we attach complete tables in the mail).

In this regard, the banks square the circle with this type of contract: they offer products that generate high returns, they metaphorically squeeze the consumer’s neck (not completely, since if the interest goes out of hand, the user will not could repay the debt) and in the case of non-payment, they take out the wild card of foreclosure. A win-win business for those who always have the upper hand.

These data demonstrate the need, expressed by Adicae on many occasions, for moratoriums and other regulatory measures to alleviate this pressure on the neck of mortgage holders who, let us not forget, are the first interested in repaying the loan. And it seems clear that these data show that the successive debt restructuring of banks and the Code of Good Practices have led to a major failure and completely ineffective solutions. Of course, for many entities these measures have meant a magnificent image wash that, of course, they were not going to give up.

At Adicae we believe that leaving control of responses to mortgage risks to those who have often generated these same risks is, as they say in popular culture, leaving the wolf in charge of the sheep. In our association we are not for the work of making it so.

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