Nearly 9 million people at risk of falling into poverty after floods

by time news

One thing leads to another… Between six and nine million Pakistanis are at risk of falling into poverty following monsoon rain floods, on an unprecedented scale in the context of climate change, the World Bank warned on Thursday .

Eight million people remain displaced, living in tent camps near stagnant waters that have submerged their possessions and livelihoods.

Pakistan has been devastated this year by monsoon rains of unprecedented intensity, which have claimed 1,700 lives, destroyed two million homes and flooded a third of the country.

Inflation is expected to reach 23% in 2023

According to the World Bank report, the poverty rate in Pakistan is likely to increase by 2.5 to 4% as a direct result of the floods. Loss of jobs, livestock, crops, homes and school closures, as well as the spread of disease and rising food prices threaten to push between 5.8 million and 9 million people into poverty .

“Reversing these negative socio-economic consequences will undoubtedly take a long time,” the report points out. Some 20% of Pakistan’s 220 million people already live below the poverty line, according to the Asian Development Bank. According to the World Bank, inflation in the country is expected to reach 23% in fiscal year 2023.

“Long relentless fight to save lives”

Pakistan is only responsible for less than 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions but is among the countries most vulnerable to extreme weather events due to global warming.

Islamabad has called on rich, industrialized countries with larger carbon footprints to help help the less fortunate for more justice in the face of climate change.

“We cannot afford to give our economy a stimulus package that would create jobs and provide people with the sustainable incomes they need,” Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman said Tuesday. “We are still in a long, relentless fight to save lives,” she added.

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