Necessary tools to take care of your garden in spring: 10 essentials

by time news

Having lots of garden tools is great, but having the basics is more than enough to keep these spaces tidy and neat. Here we will reveal what garden utensils cannot be missing this season.

Last update: April 13, 2023

In spring it is essential to have certain tools to care for the garden. We know that there are many and, especially, those who love gardening would like to have them all. However, a warehouse at home is worthless if you will not use all the inventory.

The change of season, the size of the garden, the type of plant you plant, the budget; all are factors that influence the selection of instruments. Even so, there are some basic elements and in this article we help you discern, among all of them, which ones should not be missing in your spring equipment.

Why are garden care tools essential in spring?

If we are looking for a quick and simple explanation of the importance of having basic tools in the garden, we would be left with the ones that are necessary to plant any plant. A little further on goes the University of Florida, reviewing in an article from its Institute of Agricultural and Food Sciences, that working in the gardens is more pleasant as long as you use the right tools.

For its part, the Colorado State University Extension specifies that, appealing to the appropriate tools, it collaborates with the work of the gardeners in each season. So its regular care and proper storage is pertinent.

Starting from both points, it does not hurt to check the utensils you have at home and put them in tune for these spring days. Go for it.

Essential tools to take care of the garden in spring

The catalog of garden utensils is extensive, ranging from very sophisticated and technological to the simplest and most traditional. The sale of such tools is growing. In fact, a study revealed by Grand View Research projects that between 2023 and 2030, the global garden equipment market will expand at an annual rate of 6%.

According to the aforementioned analysis, the instruments with the greatest commercialization would be those for cutting and pruning, those designed with wheels, those with handles and those with a short hand. Also shovels, rakes, hoes and forks.

Acquiring one or the other depends, apart from money, on the type of garden. They are not the same tools for gardening on a balcony as those used in large patios. There is a criterion for the choice.

Next, we comment on the essential utensils for gardening in spring. You choose them according to the characteristics of the space in question.

1. Hose

Just like conventional watering cans for plants, The hose is one of the essentials in gardening. With a gun, sprinkler or a simple pick, this instrument contributes to the supply of water for the flowering of the garden.

It is not difficult to find hoses of the length desired by the gardener. So he gets the one with an ideal length to move it without limitations throughout the area.

➡️ An extensible hose (this one is up to 7.5 meters long) allows you to enjoy the length you need and at the same time save space by saving it when you don’t use it.

2. Scissors

In any type of garden, scissors are essential. This element is useful in trimming woody or soft plants, stems and light branches, since they are less heavy and easier to manipulate than the big pruners. Especially when it comes to smaller shrubs.

➡️ These are the best-selling pruning shears on Amazon this week, and they’re also now on sale!

There are “hedge” shears, special for more complicated work, such as cutting thick branches.

3. Cutting machines

Definitely, mowers have a place in extensive terrain. Lawn mowers can be push-button or self-propelled with a seat. On the other hand, “brushcutters” are recommended to reach places that are difficult to access with the pruner.

➡️ This Goodyear brand electric lawn mower is on sale for this week only.

4. Pala

The shovels are used to pick up, but they also help to plant. With a shovel it is possible to trace the planting area, reach the depth required to bury bulbs and remove organic material. You find them large in size, as well as smaller ones.

➡️ Garden shovels are very cheap tools, and it’s always good to have one on hand.

5. Rake

With the rake you collect vegetable waste without causing damage to the grass. Look for one made with aluminum, because it is lighter. Also, he checks that there is not much distance between the teeth.

➡️ This Acorn brand rake is the best seller on Amazon, and it’s also now on sale.

6. Knife

Some branches, ropes or flowers resist simple scissors. So, you turn to the knife as one of the essential tools to take care of the garden in spring. But don’t grab a cutter from the kitchen drawer; in these cases, it is appropriate to use a ground knife.

It is an optimal resource for cutting fruit, horticultural and floral plants. With it you also remove the weeds and dig shallowly to sow. The simpler the ground knife, the easier it will be to handle and the better the results.

7. Hoe

For planting spring plants, hoes are perfect if the terrain is rocky, because they simplify the preparation of the land. That is, with the hoe you remove pieces and dig deep holes, to later return the soil to its normal state, without much effort.

➡️ We advise you to always use a light hoe, valid for almost any type of private garden (unless your land has very special needs).

8. Leaf blower

If the rake is not enough, because you have several trees and shrubs, it would be nice to have a blower. They sell them gas and electric. Any of them is functional, picking up the leaves in uncomfortable places for the rake.

➡️ If you want to save time cleaning your garden, this Black+Decker leaf blower is on sale this week.

9. Sprinkler

Sprinklers are convenient devices regulating watering in spring. So there are no flooding, whose consequences would be plant diseases and root rot. Thanks to these devices, the soil receives the relevant amounts of water, maintains compaction and conserves its nutrients.

It is preferable to have a sprinkler that allows you to adjust the pressure and flow of water for a gentle spray. The best thing about these devices is automation, so you don’t have to worry about being at home when watering the garden. Just programs and go.

10. Wheelbarrow

In gardens that produce a relatively large amount of waste, it is good to have a wheelbarrow to move the garbage. In the same way, these “carts” are functional carrying bricks, pots, fertilizers and rocks, for example. If it is within your possibilities, get a cart.

➡️ Garden wheelbarrows are very versatile tools, and if you choose one, we recommend that it be resistant and “the good kind”, even if it seems like an expensive investment at first. It is a tool with a really long useful life. For example, this wheelbarrow from the TecTake brand is barely over 100 euros in price.

And the gardener? Other tools that make taking care of the garden in spring more comfortable

Just as tools are essential to carry out gardening work, it is important that the gardener have clothing that allows him to carry out tasks with comfort and caution.

What pieces is it? We list them below:

  • Boots: if your garden is on a balcony, you can skip the boots. This shoe is appropriate for walking on muddy terrain or avoiding stepping on thorns in the grass.
  • Apron: Those aprons with pockets are practical for storing tools and so that clothes do not get dirty. Make sure that the apron pockets are wide and that it is made of strong textiles.
  • Resistant fabric pants: it is quite common to kneel down to pull weeds, transplant or plant seeds, to name a few examples. If you wear pants jean or a coverall, in both cases with the reinforced knee pads, you won’t hurt yourself in the process.
  • Gloves: It is one of the most basic in the gardening task, since you manipulate the plants and the earth without there being direct contact with the skin, protecting it from injuries caused by thorns or splinters. Gloves made of breathable and impermeable material, which cover above the wrists, are preferable.

Remember that garden instruments also need care

Keeping the tools in good condition is as essential as taking care of the garden in spring. The opposite would harm the plants, highlights the University School of Gardening Trades. In a publication, the institution suggests cleaning them every time you use them, using substances such as alcohol or machine oil, if it were a motorized device.

In the same order of ideas, the Gardening Extension of the University of Minnesota settles in the basic maintenance of the instruments and in the provision of a conditioned space for it. They add that omitting the sanitization of such objects would lead to the transmission of bacteria, viruses and fungi that would infect plants and soil.

Review what gardening tools you have at home for this spring, buy or borrow the ones you need and don’t forget to clean them. With all these tips, you contribute to making your garden one of the most attractive of the season.

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