Negotiation in extremis of the PSOE, with Junts installed in the no to the three decrees

by time news

2024-01-09 22:18:40

The governability of the State

Those of Puigdemont see “very complicated” to change their minds, but they leave open a 1% of the possibilities

MadridIf there is no unexpected turn of events, Junts will vote against the first three decrees of the Spanish government this Wednesday in the plenary session of Congress and the Spanish government will start the legislature with a parliamentary setback. Without the votes of the PP, which also continues in the no, no ally of the plurinational majority that invested Pedro Sánchez can stand out for the initiatives to go ahead. And those of Puigdemont, a few hours before the start of the debate, remain in the “absolute no” position and see it as “very complicated” to change their minds. However, they leave open a 1% chance because they cannot rule out “something extraordinary happening”. However, sources from the Juntaires also point to the only solution being that the PSOE withdraw the three decrees from the agenda of the plenary session and approve new ones that incorporate the modifications demanded by the Junts. Spanish government sources rule out this scenario and continue to propose processing the decrees as a bill to introduce amendments afterwards. “The pressing Together – also by the Government – it will not work,” Carles Puigdemont warned.

However, Junts assures that this is not an option. They allege that the bills, once processed, can remain “in a drawer” and that the promised modifications never come to fruition. They warn that their agreement with the PSOE does not bind them and warn that they will not agree to approve anything without “guarantees”. The PP also rejects this route for the same reason and its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who has only opened himself to an abstention in one of the three decrees, the anti-crisis, has proposed this Wednesday before the national executive committee of the popular to recover some of the measures that fall through parliamentary initiatives of the PP. Feijóo has reiterated that he will not act as a “lifesaver” for the president of the Spanish government, which practically leaves the option of the people saving the executive’s decrees dead. The PSOE spokesman in Congress, Patxi López, reprimanded him shortly afterwards. “He has closed all the doors of understanding to take them forward”, he criticized.

Junts sources themselves regret that the socialists “have put themselves in a dead end” and that this situation could have been avoided if they had not pushed for the right. “They did it wrong,” they summarize. The talks with Junts, which are still ongoing, have been “permanent” and there are points where positions have come closer. “Okay, there isn’t a single one”, affirm, however, the members. And they warn that “now it’s too late” to fix the three decrees. They insist on convening an extraordinary council of ministers to approve new texts which, when they reach the lower house, could indeed count on their affirmative vote. López insisted in a press conference this Wednesday at noon that they would continue to negotiate “until the last moment” and warned that whoever overturns the measures that benefit “the general interest” will be committing “absolute irresponsibility”. “We trust that there will be an agreement”, he wished.

Junts replies that the PSOE has known since December 18, the day before approving two of the three decrees in the council of ministers, that Junts would vote against them due to the fact that their demands were not initially included in the texts. “They have greatly complicated a negotiation that was simple,” they lament. The Spanish government has one more choice. Podemos also maintains the threat of not supporting two of the decrees of the Spanish government and its leader, Ione Belarra, has denounced in a press conference in Congress that the PSOE had not moved to get them to change their minds . Management sources have explained that they sent their amendments in writing on Friday, but that they had not yet received them feedback. “The PSOE must understand that it must sit down to negotiate,” they said. In the evening, party sources told ARA that there was still no progress.

What do you want to introduce together?

Junts sources themselves claim that they are not claiming anything “outlandish”. Of the decree omnibus they question the point about prejudicial questions at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), which they consider may jeopardize the application of the amnesty law, and they also claim to collect an increase in resources for Catalan justice. In the anti-crisis decree, Junts wants the VAT on oil to go to 0%, to maintain the reduced VAT on electricity and gas for at least six more months and for the State to assume the entirety of the urban public transport subsidy and interurban (currently the Spanish government contributes 30% and the autonomous communities 20%). Regarding the Labor decree, Junts wants the Catalan employers to be included in the social dialogue.

Return of companies that left on 1-O

Another of Junts’ proposals that has focused the day’s debate is the possibility of sanctioning companies that left Catalonia on October 1 and refuse to return. The PSOE is open to promoting measures to “facilitate” this return, without talking about sanctions. The approach of Junts is to modify the law of capital companies by introducing that the registered office must be in the autonomous community where they have the majority of activity, an approach that the socialists would have accepted.

However, Junts also wants tax incentives for those people who comply with this rule (those who did not leave and those who return) and that the door be opened to sanction those companies subject to the National Markets and Competition Commission ( CNMC) and the Bank of Spain that fail to comply. They want to collect all of this in a separate decree whose specific objective is to reverse the decree of Mariano Rajoy’s government that led to the transfer of headquarters. The Spanish government has said that in any case it will act respecting “legal certainty” in the face of the rejection of the employers’ association CEOE, which has labeled the measure “communist”. The Generalitat also rules out giving incentives for the return of companies that left in 2017.

#Negotiation #extremis #PSOE #Junts #installed #decrees

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