Negotiations between manufacturers and distributors end on Wednesday, around 10% price increase on the shelves

by time news

If the discussions end in a few hours, the prices paid by distributors to manufacturers could increase by 10%.

How much will the shopping cart cost in March, May or July? Trade negotiations between supermarkets and their agribusiness suppliers end this Wednesday evening, after several months of heated discussions. And without great surprise, the outcome of this annual meeting should have repercussions for the portfolio of the French.

The prices paid by distributors to agro-industrialists are expected to increase byenviron 10% “, said Tuesday the director general of the Federation of commerce and distribution, Jacques Creyssel. The representative then recalled that the negotiations “are over for SMEs, for all brands that are very largely French“, before indicating that “the big brands (…) seek to impose a showdown with totally unjustified proposals for increases of 15-16%“. Increases “impossible to accept in such a difficult period in terms of purchasing power“, according to the distribution representative who called these brands to “participate in collective effortsciting Nestlé, Coca, Unilever and Procter & Gamble.

«Retailers [de la distribution, NDLR] will naturally have to pass on these increases“, Estimated Jacques Creyssel, assuring however that”they will do it responsibly by trying to limit increases for consumers as much as possible“. Thus, these increases couldspread out over time until summer, as stocks are renewed“, he underlined.

An increase between 9% and 15% for Lactalis

Negotiations areextremely tense“, confided for his part on Radio Classique the spokesperson for Lactalis, Christophe Piednoël, who signed “60% of contracts“. According to him, if the discussions are laborious, “it’s for a reason: what we are asking for today is higher than in previous years».

The milk giant is asking for an increase between 9% and 15%, the “starting point” Who “serves primarily to remunerate the price of milkpaid to farmers andcorresponds to the increase in our expenses“, according to Christophe Piednoël. “Everyone has to make an effort in a negotiation, some distributors have done it, others seem less ready to do it“, he added, without naming distributors.

Faced with inflation, Emmanuel Macron on Monday called on supermarkets to “participate in the effort“. However, the executivedoes not wish to come and interfere in the negotiations“, Underlines this Wednesday on France 2 the Minister of Commerce, Olivia Grégoire. For their part, supermarkets denounce the lack of transparency and exaggerated requests for increases, the boss of Carrefour Alexandre Bompard even qualifying some of them as “delusional“. Having entered their home stretch, the negotiations (which concern products sold under so-called “national“, like Danone or Fleury Michon) should once again last until the last minute (fixed at midnight, Wednesday evening).

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