Negotiations for the investiture, live | Pedro Sánchez: “Whoever wants to aspire to govern Spain has to understand and accept political pluralism and territorial diversity” | Spain

by time news

2023-10-07 14:05:44

PNV, PSE, Elkarrekin, PP and Cs reproach EH Bildu for not condemning the attacks against the memory of Buesa and Díez

PNV, PSE-EE, Elkarrekin Podemos, PP and Ciudadanos have criticized this
Saturday to EH Bildu not to condemn the attacks carried out this week
against the monolith in memory of the socialist leader Fernando Buesa
and his bodyguard, Jorge Díez, murdered by ETA, and against the family pantheon
by Fernando Buesa.

In statements to Radio Euskadi, PNV parliamentarian Aitor Urrutia has stated that “unfortunately, there are still steps to be taken” because he believes that what happened in the Vitoria City Council, where an institutional declaration could not be made,—when EH Bildu refused to include a conviction—”makes it obvious. In his opinion, this case teaches that, in addition to the fact that this whole stage has not yet been “closed,” we must be aware that, with attacks of this type and with attacks that are not firmly condemned, it is happening ” unfortunately a re-victimization of both the victim and his family, as well as his close friends, colleagues and even the whole of Basque society.”

Faced with the reproaches received from the rest of the parties, the EH Bildu parliamentarian Ekoitz Arrese has stated that his parliamentary group believes that respect for all the victims and their memory is a “basic condition, without a doubt, for the construction of coexistence “. After pointing out that he does not like the attacks against the monolith in memory of Fernando Buesa and Jorge Díez, and the tomb of the socialist leader “at all”, he highlighted that EH Bildu has shown itself “from the second one against, clearly, these facts.”

From the ranks of Elkarrekin Podemos, its parliamentarian Iñigo Martínez
has demanded that EH Bildu use the word “condemnation” to refer to
to the attacks against the monolith and the tomb of Fernando Buesa. “The language
constructs reality and, faced with an event that has occurred at this moment,
I think that all parties and also EH Bildu should pronounce
that word,” he said.

For his part, PP parliamentarian Carmelo Barrio has indicated that what happened are “attacks on coexistence and democracy that come from that dark world that has been exercising them for so long and today adopts this profane expression.” After asking the police to carry out the appropriate investigations to identify the perpetrators, he pointed out that it is “impressive” that there are people capable of these acts and has declared that, listening to EH Bildu, there is a lack of “conviction.” “There is no sincerity, there is no empathy. They say that we should not take refuge in semantics. No, it is ethical,” he stressed.

The Ciudadanos parliamentarian, José Manuel Gil, has also reproached EH Bildu for not condemning this week’s attacks against the memory of Fernando Buesa and Jorge Díez, and has considered that “the majority of Basque society cannot understand” why what they do not condemn, for what he has demanded from the coalition a patriot to explain “clearly” why he is not condemned.

(Europa Press)

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