Neighborhood-wide noise nuisance at weekends – Wonen

by time news
Krumel0 wrote on Sunday 10 July 2022 @ 13:39:

I think your answer goes way too far to be honest. You say that you live in a busy area, then usually many people live there. I personally think it’s very normal to throw a party once a year where you have music until midnight – I also think it’s important that you get a good night’s sleep from midnight (earlier on weekdays) and it sounds like you extensive rant do you still have that. You seem to think that you don’t think people should have an (as far as I’m concerned, and I’m not a student anymore) acceptable once-a-year party on weekends until midnight.

I’m not just saying that, the law also says that: The noise limits for private homes, measured at the facade, are as follows: during the day (7:00 am – 6:00 pm) 50 dB(A) 70 dB(A) in the evening (6:00 pm – 11:00 pm ) 45 dB(A) 65 dB(A) at night (23.00 – 07.00) 40 dB(A) 60 dB(A)

In a residential area, especially a busy residential area, you have to take your surroundings into account. It is not up to the environment to take you into account.

If you want to throw a party with loud music, loud guests, etc. then you just rent a room in a designated venue.

It has nothing to do with what kind of music is played. Turkish weddings are (in my experience) usually celebrated during the day/early evening. Of course a honking car procession is annoying, but I think a few minutes of nuisance for someone’s most beautiful day in his/her life (!!!) is a pretty normal sacrifice to make?

You can have that opinion, but the law says something different about it:…luid_maken_en_klaxonneren

In addition, I think it’s just antisocial, and I’m allowed to have an opinion.

You’re a bit left out if you think people should be arrested on their wedding day (!!) and put in jail for expressing their culture without causing you more than a few minutes of nuisance?

You’re putting words in my mouth, please stop. I’ve talked about fines, fines for breaking the law in that area. Those rules are there for a reason.

Again, a completely different matter if there is 1 house/apartment that continuously causes nuisance, but if you choose to live in a busy area, then there are simply many people who make living noises.

You’re thinking it wrong. If you are going to live in a busy neighborhood, then as a decent person you also take on the duty not to cause any nuisance to the large group of people around you.

Because what if everyone did that? If everyone throws a big noisy party every year, the entire neighborhood is turned upside down practically every week. Then nobody can sleep in, then nobody can go to bed on time, then parents with young children can never get their rest, then people who can’t afford to buy a farmhouse can never get their rest.

Zoning plans, noise pollution, traffic regulations, etc. have all been devised to preserve peace and tranquility in environments where people are.

And cultural customs aren’t necessarily meant to be respected if they’re just downright idiotic. As humanity and society, we must betternot stay bad† You call that integration and adaptation.

And I really don’t limit that to foreign uses. But that’s another topic.

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