Neri Marcorè in Treviglio: «I sing you my heartfelt songs»

by time news

by Sergio Rizza

On Tuesday evening, September 24, the new season of TNT will open with a concert entitled “Two of everything. Beautiful and good songs”

With his warm, deep voice, and his guitar, Neri Marcorè will open tonight (September 24) at 9pm the new season of TNT-Teatro nuovo di Treviglio. An extraordinary concert, not included in the subscription (and acoustic), his: it is entitled “Two of everything. Beautiful and good songs”accompanied by his usual partner Domenico Mariorenzi on guitar and bouzouki, and is an example of well-established song-theatre, in which Marcorè will perform a large number of his favorite songs, from Simon and Garkunkel to Elvis Costello, from Fabrizio De André to Francesco De Gregori and Ivan Graziani, interspersing them with stories, memories and reflections. A sort of reasoned anthology of the great singer-songwriter, Italian and otherwise.

Personal memory of the reporter: Ivan Graziani, decades ago, “gave” a concert to the students of the University of Milan, in the great hall, unleashing a real frenzy. An artist perhaps a little forgotten but truly great and generous, don’t you think, Marcorè?
“Yes, absolutely. He had all these qualities. He was a giant, a crazy guitarist, a true composer of three-minute stories. I will sing Mona Lisa, for sure, then maybe 140 an hour, Blonde Lady of the Cherry Trees…”

«Duo di tutto» has been around for a while, it’s a successful formula for months. Will the concert change in its structure? It won’t always be the same.
“No, actually. The lineup of songs always changes. Some are fixed, others change depending on the year, or the situation. We choose about twenty from a repertoire of about two hundred.”

You are known for being multifaceted. The freedom and confidence with which you wear different clothes are impressive. You are an irresistible imitator and comedian, who literally “exploded” at the time of Ottavo nano and Pippo Chennedy Show, but also a voice actor, actor, film director (fresh from his debut with Zamora), TV presenter in various Rai programs (“Per un pugno di libri”, “Art Night”), and of course, now, a musician. In which role do you feel most at ease?
“I like to change, be curious, even face things I don’t know or that I don’t know if I’m up to. So far, wherever I’ve thrown myself, I’ve always had positive results. I don’t say it myself: the “meter” that I take into consideration is the one that the public gives me back. If the public likes it, I go on.”

It’s risky.
“Yes, there is some risk. But if you have an artistic profession, the risk is normal. If you are not willing to take it, then perhaps you made a mistake in choosing this profession.”

You are even a chess player. You ended up on the cover of a chess magazine.
“Yes, this is also one of my passions. Like tennis.”

Did you study music?
«No, I’m self-taught. I’ve always listened to a lot of music and when I was 14 my parents bought me a guitar. I taught myself, although over the years some very good friends gave me some tips».

Apart from a film with Davide Ferrario («Boys») and the show a few months ago at the Teatro Donizetti («La buona novella», a real musical and theatrical production about the world of Fabrizio De André), do you have any other ties with Bergamo?
«Actually, there are two films with Ferrario: there’s also Se devo essere sincera, with Luciana Littizzetto… Yes, I have friends, girlfriends, acquaintances. I’m a friend of Giuliana, I often go to eat at her place. I know Cristina Parodi and Giorgio Gori, they were also at De André’s house, in l’Agnata, in Sardinia, when I did a concert. And then I’m linked by a certain respect, I wouldn’t call it friendship, with Gasperini. He’s come to some of my concerts, I sometimes go to see Atalanta. They play spectacularly, it’s a pleasure to watch them. I’m a fan, of Juventus and Ascoli, but not obtuse, let’s say. I recognize value, where it’s there».

See you tonight at 9pm, single seat 30 euros:, The TNT season will officially open with the first season-ticketed show from October 11: In nome della madre, based on the book by Erri De Luca.

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