nerves and hatred

by time news

2023-05-21 06:04:39

The left is crazy. Everything indicates that they will lose a large part of local power. Those egos built on demagogy and authoritarianism take it very badly that the people, whose voice they attribute themselves exclusively, turn their backs on them at the polls. In response, the PSOE has opened a tombola of irrational promises, and Podemos has fallen into an execrable public accusation of an innocent person and outside of politics, such as Ayuso’s brother. Both of them, placed against the ropes, bring out the worst in each house: nerves and hatred.

The PSOE has failed in everything so far. The polls predict a bump that may be crucial for the generals. 28-M is a plebiscite, the PP will get more than 500,000 more votes than the PSOE, and Sánchez looks like a loser. This is why he has opened an immoral and unfair communication channel between the meeting and the Council of Ministers. There is no public appearance by Sánchez that does not end with a proposal that he takes to the Council of Ministers without having consulted anyone, not even his podemitas partners.

Sánchez’s occurrences are irrational and funny. The number of apartments that she is going to build for young people is countless, of course, but they are also unfindable and uninhabitable. Added to this is another wit: cinema for retirees. The Council of Ministers approved it with a game of 10 million euros. The next day, the Minister of Culture confessed that they had not negotiated with the businessmen of the sector the amount or the days, so the matter was up in the air. It is the typical fudge generated by nerves. Be careful, because Ione Belarra is capable of saying that state cinemas should be built to compete with private ones, as she did with supermarkets.

Sánchez does not have a success to take to the pocket. The interview with Biden was a fiasco. The American placed him on the rear garage ramp to hold his press conference, unlike what other presidents have achieved, such as Aznar or Rajoy. The campaign to generate empathy with the street outings has not worked for the president either because a banner – “Texapote vote for you!” – ruined it. The videos with retirees, young people, workers and women were a fraud. They were PSOE militants. The public ridicule was considerable. To this have been added the electoral lists of Bildu, with 44 ETA members who served their sentence.

The fear that the moderate voter in Castilla-La Mancha, Aragón and Extremadura will turn their backs on the socialist candidates has pushed them to blame the PP for the Bildu scandal. Thus we saw more nerves and outbursts. Sánchez took advantage of the appearance in the Senate to make a tricky syllogism: democracy had defeated ETA, the PSOE had staged that victory, and, therefore, the PSOE is democracy. Not so the PP, which “cannot bear” that ETA does not exist, Sánchez even said, because it is his only electoral asset. The one who no longer exists is Franco, and there are still the left and the nationalists with the rattle.

Podemos has thrown itself into the mountains, also showing its division. IU does not want to know anything about the podemite strategy that, as Pablo Iglesias has marked, must be aimed at doing harm. It is what the head of Podemos calls “conflict”. The sign on Calle Goya in Madrid bears his stamp. The personalization with photo, name and address of the political enemy is in the anti-fascist manual of the social movements where podemism has been forged. This violence is essential in his political proposal. His goal is to make the social environment unbreathable. Let figurative trenches be opened with flags and hymns. They want a Spain divided in two, and for one part to go to ostracism. They just ooze hate. All you have to do is see Irene Montero at her rallies, always on the brink of paroxysm. They should calm down.

#nerves #hatred

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