Nestlé’s treatment of competition for its mineral water, a thorn issue for the next government

by time news

Nestle Waters‌ Under Fire‌ for Illegal Pesticide‌ Treatments in Mineral Water

Published: August 9, 2024, 6:06 PM

‍ ‌ ⁣ ‍ ⁣ <picture⁢ class="articlemedia”> ‌ On the​ Nestlé Waters site⁤ in Contrexéville (Vosges), in May 2017.⁤ ⁣ <span class="articlecredit” aria-hidden=”true”>SEBASTIEN BOZON / AFP ‌ ⁤ ⁢ <p class="articleparagraph “>Is mineral water that has been ​purified after being contaminated⁣ by bacteria, especially of fecal origin, still⁢ natural ⁤mineral water? Do the​ French authorities ‍implement appropriate controls on mineral shipments? Will business politicians comply with the⁣ law after the discovery, in 2021, that the ​water‍ produced by many companies – in particular⁤ Nestlé Waters – ​is subject⁢ to illegal pesticide treatments?

⁣ ⁤ <p class="articleparagraph “>Following ⁤information from French Radio and Monde, the European Commission conducted an inspection‍ in ‍March and identified serious shortcomings in Nestlé Waters’ management system. The⁢ report, released ahead⁣ of ⁢the Paris 2024 Olympics, raises concerns ⁢about the effectiveness of ⁢French controls.

‍ ‍ ‍ ​ <p class="articleparagraph ‌”>Specifically, the audit criticized the lack of transparency and cooperation between government agencies,‌ as well as the insufficient experience of inspectors. The report also questioned⁢ the​ French response to the 2021 revelation of illegal pesticide⁣ treatments. ‍Despite recommendations from the European⁣ Commission, no measures were taken to recall contaminated bottles, impose fines, ⁢or⁤ penalize non-compliant producers.

​ <h2 class="articlesub-title”>”Critical Errors”

‌ ‌ <p class="articleparagraph “>The Brussels audit⁤ also identified significant deficiencies in the implementation of Nestlé Waters’⁤ management system. Critics⁣ highlighted⁢ the ⁢outdated‌ nature ⁣of official controls,‌ inadequate cooperation between local ​and national authorities, and a lack ⁣of experience among inspectors.

⁣ ⁣ ⁢ ‌<p class="articleparagraph “>Furthermore, the report estimated that the illegal pesticide treatments identified by ​the DGCCRF ‌could have cost Nestlé Waters over ‌€3 ​billion in lost ⁣revenue over ​the past fifteen years. This raises serious questions about the‍ company’s labeling practices and its commitment to transparency and consumer ‍safety.

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