Netanyahu, Hamas, and Qatar: Minister of Economy Nir Barkat’s Shocking Interview with Joe Scarborough on MSNBC

by time news

Minister of Economy Nir Barkat He was interviewed last night (Thursday) on the program of Joe Scarborough on the MSNBC network and was asked about the issue of the transfer of money from Qatar to Hamas that was approved by Netanyahu.

Scarborough asked Barakat whether before the oath in October the Israelis saw Hamas as Nazis. When Barkat replied with aplomb and political sophistication that there was faith among some Israelis in the choice of Hamas in peace, the interviewer insisted and asked whether Netanyahu considered them Nazis. So Barkat answered in the affirmative.

“We received an answer after about a week”: the contacts for the deal that were missed a few days after October 7th

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The interviewer continued on the same line and pressed: “Why did Netanyahu tell Qatar that they can continue to finance Hamas?”. Barkat, who tried to put on a serious and tough look, replied: “The swearing in October crushed that idea.” Scarborough was quick to dismiss it and claimed: “But you said you always thought they were Nazis. I want to know why Netanyahu and Trump knew about this and did nothing? Would you investigate Israel on this issue?”

The minister replied “surely it will be”, and made sure to echo the message he had already used in the past: “Qatar is a wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Still, the tone continued to rise on the other side: “You are feeding this wolf. So I want to understand why Netanyahu and his government were partners in Qatar’s financing of Hamas.”

Barkat tried with all his might to maintain a stable and rigid tone and stated: “This is a mistake that was discovered on October 7th. If you think that you can buy peace and quiet by funding Hamas – that is a big mistake.”

The discourse took a slight turn towards the horrors of rape and murder when the question arose: “Where was the army, where were the defense forces when the worst massacre since the Holocaust took place 40-50 miles away?”. Barkat took the reins and concluded: “We will investigate everything, but this is not the time because right now we have to focus on winning the war.”

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