Netanyahu on his way to a plea deal? The dramatic assessment of Finance Minister Lieberman

by time news

Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman spoke today (Sunday) with Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad on 103FM and sharply criticized former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “I think it was important to finally form a government and not go to another election. I also think it was important for Benjamin Netanyahu to move “To the opposition – he functioned in his most cynical way and he took advantage of his position as prime minister. Precisely today when he preaches morality to the heads of the Yesha Council for not giving him enough backing, it is simply a new record in his cynicism.”

“Netanyahu deceived all the leaders of the Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria. He promised to apply sovereignty over all the Jewish settlement, over the Jordan Valley, evacuate Khan al-Ahmar, and torpedo everything. As someone who knows him probably best, I see how he tries to split the opposition And I say that I have no doubt that even in these moments he is in contact with the State Attorney’s Office about a plea deal – and in the end, if he is offered a good enough deal, he will go for it without blinking and he will abandon all members of the Likud. In that – I know the man and know that he likes to hold a lot of balls in the air “, he continued.

Benjamin Netanyahu in court (Photo: Oren Ben Hakon)

The Minister of Finance repeated his statements before the election that if the Likud replaces Netanyahu, Yisrael Beiteinu will be ready to sit with them in the government: “We said before the election that without Netanyahu we would join the Likud-led government. And when will that happen, so at the moment it is the best government that can be formed? We are doing everything to make it successful and we want it to continue – what will happen after the Netanyahu era? Netanyahu. ”

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Continuing the conversation, he addressed the issue of Chumash after the murder of the late Yehuda Dimentman and said: “We see that those terrorists receive at least tacit assistance from the Palestinian Authority and a lot of support on all social networks. One should also understand the rage of those people who are really protesting against a murderous attack. In this case, it’s still fresh. ” The chairman of the opposition also overturned my decision to evacuate Khan al-Ahmar. I do not have to make commitments and declarations. ”

“Yisrael Beiteinu is the only right-wing party, because there is no other party that truly represents all the values ​​of a liberal national movement like ours. After all, the right is in the political sense, in the economic sense as well as in religion and state. “We are in favor of Judaism but against religious coercion, against turning the State of Israel into a state of halakhah,” the minister claimed.

In conclusion, he referred to the new variant threat and stated: “The situation is really very disturbing, it should be understood that the corona will accompany us in both 2022 and 2023. We see countries like the Netherlands going into full closure, so first of all you have to get vaccinated, the situation must not be underestimated. However, we must also learn to live alongside the corona and keep the economy open. “

Assisted in the editing of the article: David Zevuluni, 103fm


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