Netanyahu: “The refusal threatens the foundation of existence”

by time news

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Today (Monday) at the beginning of the event of reading the Book of Esther together, MGB soldiers in a synagogue at the MGB base in Beit Horon referred to the phenomenon of refusal that is gaining momentum

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“The IDF and the Shin Bet reflect to the people that we repel our enemy, I respect all our soldiers, regular and reserve, at sea on land and in the air, even in these moments you are guarding our country. We look left and right knowing that we are storming together from Nablus to Nablus against our enemy Whatever the differences between us, we are always united against those who seek our souls, regardless of the differences of opinion between us, the refusal threatens this existential foundation, and therefore it must not have a place in our ranks,” Netanyahu said at the beginning of his remarks.

“Israeli society has always condemned the refusals and sanctified service in the IDF and the security forces, they have never given the refusals a foothold anywhere and in any situation, not in the reserves, nor in the security forces, the refusals had no place in the war of liberation, they had no place in the Oslo Accords and disengagement, there is no There is a place for refusal now and there must be no place for it in the future, a public struggle has a place for protest, differences of opinion, but there is no place for refusal, as soon as we give it legitimacy, the refusal will spread and become a method, anyone who does not like the democratic decision, will judge himself, I am convinced that we will overcome The refusal and its threats this time, but the seeds that are sown can grow wild crops,” he concluded.

Later, the Minister of National Security said, Itamar Ben Gabir because “there are religious and secular, there is right and left, I am calling from here to Yair Lapid, to Bnei Gantz, show responsibility, especially on this important holiday, show unity, come to the movement of unity, come to the movement that in the end we will understand that we are from the same people, it is allowed to demonstrate but it is not allowed to be Anarchy, there must not be incitement, the Prime Minister’s wife must not be attacked in the barber shop and we must not see signs with harsh messages.”

“I call on our friends in the opposition, show responsibility, and I say to the demonstrators who want to demonstrate on Thursday, freedom of protest is a fundamental right, we will fight for your right to demonstrate, but we will not allow incitement, sedition, or harm to the State of Israel,” he concluded.

In the meantime, the police, led by the commissioner, R.N. Yaakov Shabtai, and the district commanders, the head of the operations division and the head of the police department, held a focused situational assessment in preparation for the “day of disruption” that will take place on Thursday, and immediately after that preparation for the tenth week of the demonstrations against the legal reform when in Moked – Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

The police intend to continue with the same policy and operational format, with the message being yes to demonstrations and not to disturbances and assaulting police officers. As mentioned, only tomorrow at the end of the hearing will the police publish the deployment of the police officers and the traffic regulations, when this week too it will not be possible to block roads without permission, except for those traffic routes where the demonstrations will take place, in order to maintain public peace. In any case, blocking of central traffic routes will not be allowed and any such attempt will be handled with a firm hand.

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In response to the words, the chairman of the opposition said Yair Lapid: “Whoever is responsible for the chaos and the deep rift in Israeli society and the IDF is only the most destructive government in the country’s history. Netanyahu, in your government there are two parties whose platform is refusal. Why don’t you say a word about them? Instead of lame press conferences with the Tiktok clown, stop the madness.” .

MK Benny Gantz He added that “those who want to take politics out of the army – do not do politics in the army. The refusal is first of all yours, Netanyahu, you are the one who refuses to stop the coup d’état and start negotiations. You refuse to hear the calls of Israeli patriots and drag an entire country into chaos.”

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