Netanyahu’s bloc is collapsing while Lapid records an impressive achievement

by time news

Two months since the government was established under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu, the reform of the justice system of the Minister of Justice, Yariv Levin, and the chairman of the Constitution Committee, Member of Knesset Simcha Rothman, are at the center of the public discourse. Despite the mediating efforts of the President, Yitzhak Herzog and the attempts to initiate a process of negotiations, currently all A party fortifies its position.

According to a poll conducted by Prof. Camille Fox for Channel 13, the Netanyahu government bloc is collapsing, and the Likud is down to only 28 seats. The party of the head of the opposition, Yair Lapid, registers an impressive achievement and rises to 27th. The religious Zionist party drops to 12 seats.

Channel 13 survey conducted by Prof. Camille Fox:

Likud – 28
There is a future – 27
The state camp – 14
Religious Zionism – 12
Shas – 9
Torah Judaism – 7
The work – 6
Israel Beytinu – 6
RAM -6
Hadash Ta’al 5

Likud and religious Zionism are losing their power

As mentioned, according to the results of the survey, the Likud is leading with 28 mandates, but their number is decreasing compared to the 32 it received in the last elections, the mandates it is losing to the Yesh Atid party, which is growing stronger and increases to 27, and to the state camp, which increases to 14. Religious Zionism is also weakening and dropping to 12 compared to 14 mandates they received in the last elections.

Yair Lapid Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90

The Shas party, which received 11 mandates in the last elections, drops to 9, while Torah Judaism maintains its strength and receives 7 mandates. Likewise, the Israel Beitenu party remains with 6 mandates. The United Arab List gains one mandate – 6, Hadash 11 L is left with 5 mandates. Those who still do not pass the percentage of blocking are Meretz and Balad.

The results of the survey by blocks:

56 mandates for the Netanyahu supporters bloc

59 Netanyahu’s opponents

5 Hadash Ta’al

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