Netanyahu’s Speech: Applying Principles of Consciousness Engineering

by time news

Netanyahu’s speech can be taught in all marketing and mind engineering courses. This is a speech to the pantheon. When I teach the principles of consciousness engineering I have a slide that shows 3 very clear principles – a simple message, repetition of the message and an appeal to emotion. Netanyahu applied all these principles in his speech in a perfect and noteworthy way.

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Netanyahu said the words “overwhelming victory” at least 20 times during the speech. He began by saying that Amit Bunsel, a paratrooper fighter, wrote the following words to his family – “We started a historic process and we need to end it with a crushing victory.” This is Amit’s will. He went on to say that the soldiers who fell in the battles – in their death commanded us victory – this is their will.” He went on to say – “Tonight I came to tell you one thing – victory is at hand – not a matter of years or months”.

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Air support for the combat teams of the Givati ​​Brigade and the Paratroopers Brigade in the Khan Yunis region. Credit: IDF Spokesman (Photo: IDF Spokesman)

Netanyahu’s message is very clear and very simple – not only do we have to go to the end and bring victory – the road there is short – victory is within reach. Netanyahu did everything in his power to create the impression that we are very close to victory – “The IDF is close to achieving all the goals of the war – the release of Hamas, the abductees and Gaza will not be a problem” – it is not clear on what basis he states this but his goal is clear – he is trying Harnessing the people by instilling in them hope that the victory is really close, the victory is within the reach and he uses some concrete steps to prove his claim – “It’s not about years, it’s about months.” Of course, he has no idea how long it will take, but as soon as people are given concrete time frames – the end becomes tangible and they begin to believe that it is really close.

From here he goes on to do what Finkelstein taught him – to create a holocaust of polarization and division – black against white – good against bad” – “Everyone thought we wouldn’t succeed – the commentators in the studios, the international community and here our fighters proved them wrong. He creates a common enemy – we are against the whole world, against the experts in the studios, against the international community. Netanyahu creates a clear equation – our fighters on one side and the commentators and the international community on the other.

To finish implanting the idea in the minds of the viewers – he begins to play with the facts and present the data in a way that will serve his story and make it coherent, one that cannot be argued with – he tells us the story that all the goals that the political echelon set for the IDF – our soldiers achieved. “Within four months, the IDF killed more than half of the fighting force of Hamas, we crushed 18 out of 24 battalions and we are eliminating the rest of the terrorists. Our soldiers are wantonly destroying the tunnels in which Hamas is hiding.

After he finishes presenting the agenda that serves him and his political survival – “we don’t stop until we win” he weaves a specific period of time that can grab attention – several months, he backs it up with the achievements that have already been achieved and finally to create the illusion that we are really close to the end he says – – In total, there are still a few minor things left – we instructed the IDF to warn you to act also in Rafah in the two central camps – the last remaining strongholds of Hamas. He creates here the impression that we are about to finish the story.

After presenting and repeating the message innumerable times – he wants to create an association of himself that managed and planned and controlled the events – it was I who determined – “Victory is our goal”. It was I who put the army in charge – to bring the achievements, and it was I who was against the whole world and his wife who told me it was not possible.

Studies show that the most effective way to turn a “fake” into absolute truth is to repeat the message. Our brain mechanism confuses familiarity with truth. The more something certain is known to us – it is perceived as true. By consistently exposing people to a message, the brain begins to perceive it as true or credible, strengthening its influence over time. They sell him, and if they sell, it means they are true. Therefore, the best way to engineer consciousness is to stick to one, simple, clear message and repeat it many times

Or as Freud said in the book “Psychology of the Crowd”.

“The crowd is gullible and easy to influence, it is not critical, and the improbable does not exist for it… Those who want to influence them do not need mild logical arguments, but must express themselves in bright colors, exaggerate, and repeat the same things over and over again.”

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