Netanyahu’s Strong Week and Weakening of Gantz: New Mandate Survey Reveals Latest Political Landscape

by time news

Netanyahu’s Success Continues as New Mandate Survey Reveals Weakened Opposition

After a fruitful week for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, including a successful visit abroad and the recent exemption from a visa to the United States, the latest mandate survey delivers more good news for the Israeli leader. The survey, conducted by “Lazar Studies” in collaboration with Panel4All for the Maariv website, shows a significant boost for Netanyahu’s Likud party, while his main rival Benny Gantz continues to lose ground.

According to the survey, Netanyahu’s Likud party would secure 28 mandates if elections were held today, compared to 26 in the previous poll. This result positions Likud as the second-largest party in the state, just behind the state camp, which also holds 28 mandates. Yesh Atid follows with 17 mandates, while Shas, Torah Judaism, and Israel Beitnou maintain their previous standings with 10, 7, and 6 mandates respectively.

The survey also indicates that religious Zionism, Hadash-Ta’al, Ra’am, Meretz, and Otzma Yehudit would each secure 5 mandates, while the Bald and the Work parties would fall slightly short of the blocking percentage with 1.5% and 1.1% respectively.

Analyzing the division into blocs, the survey reveals that coalition parties would hold a total of 54 mandates, while opposition parties would dominate the remaining 61 seats. Furthermore, Hadash-Ta’al secures an additional 5 mandates, enhancing the opposition’s strength in the Knesset.

The results of this survey solidify Netanyahu’s position as a dominant force in Israeli politics, even as the opposition struggles to regain momentum. His recent achievements, including the visa exemption to the United States, have undoubtedly bolstered his popularity among Israeli voters.

However, it’s important to note that these mandate surveys provide a snapshot of public opinion at a specific moment in time and do not guarantee future election outcomes. As Israeli politics remain dynamic and ever-changing, anything can happen before the next election.

Nevertheless, the latest mandate survey paints a positive image for Netanyahu and Likud, showcasing their continued popularity and suggesting a potential increase in parliamentary seats. Only time will tell whether these survey results will translate into tangible wins in the next election cycle.

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