Netanyahu’s Surprising Alignment with Knesset Speaker Ohana’s Controversial Speech: A Closer Look

by time news

Title: Prime Minister Netanyahu Supports Knesset Speaker Ohana’s Controversial Speech

Date: [Insert date]

In a surprising move, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed support for Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana’s recent speech, despite some of the harsh and threatening statements made towards the judiciary. The Prime Minister’s office was informed about the main points of the speech but did not receive the full text beforehand.

Netanyahu’s office expressed surprise at certain elements of Ohana’s speech. However, they chose to align with him and even republished the Knesset Speaker’s full words on social media. This included Ohana’s threat that he would not commit to adhering to a ruling by the High Court if it were to reject fundamental laws.

This is not the first instance of Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana expressing such views. Even during his tenure as Minister of Justice, Ohana had spoken out against the court and made similar statements. In the past, Prime Minister Netanyahu had disavowed these remarks. In fact, Netanyahu had explicitly stated that “the decisions of the court bind everyone” in response to similar statements made by Ohana.

Interestingly, Netanyahu’s position on this matter has remained consistent over the years. Back in 2012, during a ceremony at the Supreme Court, the Prime Minister praised retired President Dorit Beinish and emphasized his commitment to upholding the decisions of the court. Netanyahu had also previously expressed his dedication to defending his position before the staff of the Supreme Court.

Responding to the controversy surrounding Ohana’s speech, those close to the Knesset Speaker stated that no one, except his own staff, was aware of the content of his speech until a few hours before he delivered it.

While the Prime Minister’s public support for Ohana’s speech may raise eyebrows, it has also raised questions about the government’s stance on the issue of judicial independence. Critics argue that such rhetoric undermines the democratic principles that Israeli society rests upon, while supporters of Netanyahu point to Ohana’s consistent views and the need for broader judicial reform in the country.

Only time will tell how this endorsement from Netanyahu will impact the ongoing debate surrounding the role and power of the Israeli judiciary.

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