Netanyahu’s trial: “Noni Mozes told Hadas Klein that he would shine Netanyahu in the crosshairs”

by time news

The last day of the cross-examination of the prosecution team in the 1,000 case (the gifts) Hadas Klein, former assistant of Arnon Milchan, ended earlier today (Monday). Bini Ashkenazi (‘Wala’) was a guest on the show of Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad on 103FM, told about the beginning of the testimony and commented on Arnon Milchan’s involvement in the case.

Hadas Klein: “Sara Netanyahu demanded that Hollywood stars come to the events”
Klein: “I spent 15,000 NIS in cash on Mrs. Netanyahu and a bag for 3,000”

“Netanyahu’s lawyer, Amit Haddad, asked her about a meeting between Milchan and Packer, and at some point Noni Mozes picked up the phone and told her that he would inform Netanyahu of the intention of a journalistic investigation. Klein responded that she wanted to stop the investigation,” Ashkenazi noted.

Later, Ashkenazi elaborated on other things that came up during today’s discussion, when, among other things, the publication was mentioned according to which an anonymous woman shouted at Klein a number of harsh statements. In the meantime, Hadad tried to understand whether the prosecutor Liat Ben Ari leaked the details about it. “Klein told him, ‘I don’t know, I only know to tell you that Liat Ben Ari called me to apologize that it came out,'” Ashkenazi said.

Ashkenazi also addressed the claims of a conflict of interest on the part of lawyer Beaz Ben Zur: “We know that Ben Zur was actually the lawyer of Hadas Klein and Arnon Milchan, and at some point, he moved to represent Netanyahu in part of the 2000 case, and only in the 4000 case. Ben Zur did not It even comes to court when talking about case 1000”.

He further added that “Arnon Milchan released him from the representation, which is fine, it is possible, to do this thing, but he conditioned it on one condition, that the prosecutor’s office give some kind of confirmation that for her it is fine. The prosecutor’s office said that it does not interfere in the issue of personal representation , and as far as she’s concerned, she doesn’t object, and that’s how it went.” Finally, Ashkenazi claimed that Milchan was not guilty: “If Milchan had been accused in the trial, I don’t think it would have passed at any stage.”

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