Netanyahu’s trial: the cross-examination of Hadas Klein in the 1,000 case will end

by time news

The trial of the opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu Resumes today (Monday) at the Jerusalem District Court, when it is expected to be the last day of the cross-examination of the prosecution team in the 1,000 case (the gifts) Hadas Kleinwhich is managed by attorney Amit Hadad, who represents Netanyahu.

Klein: “I spent 15,000 NIS in cash on Mrs. Netanyahu and a bag for 3,000”
Hadas Klein: “Sara Netanyahu demanded that Hollywood stars come to the events”

Tomorrow a cross-examination will begin conducted by attorney Nevet Negev, who represents Arnon (Noni) Mozes, and the day after tomorrow there will be a re-examination by the prosecutor’s office. Hadad’s cross-examination was mainly focused on trying to prove that the quantities of the goods – cigars and champagne – were not in the amount claimed in the indictment nor in monetary value the claimed

Klein, for her part, stood behind her version for many days and claimed that she felt threatened only by the fact that she was fulfilling her duty to testify in the trial. During her testimony, the hearing room was full of curious people and Netanyahu supporters, in contrast to previous testimonies.

Last week Hadad tried to show that it was not only Netanyahu who received gifts in the form of cigars and champagne from Aaron Milchan. In addition, he tried to show that the prosecution’s claim, according to which Milchan was not comfortable with the amount of expenses, is incorrect. Hadad presented Milchan’s house expenses and showed that a lot of money was allegedly spent in order to host many guests from around the world.

Klein, for her part, claimed that she did not know each and every bottle, but was an exaggeration when it came to Netanyahu and his wife Sarah. Yesterday it was also reported that the prosecutor’s office opposed Hadad’s request to receive Klein’s WhatsApp correspondence and emails with third parties. The prosecutor’s office agrees with the position of Klein’s attorney, attorney Giora Adrat, according to which these are correspondences of marginal value for advancing the case and that this is a violation of Klein’s privacy.

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