Netflix adds ‘I love’ button

by time news

Netflix has introduced a new button so that users can indicate that content on the platform they love it and that it can offer them more personalized series and movie alternatives.

It is an icon in which appear two thumbs up and is located in the ratings section, where there are currently two options: ‘I like’, with a thumbs up, and ‘I don’t like’, with a thumbs down.

“Time has shown us that these feelings can go beyond a simple ‘I like it’ Y ‘I do not like it’. With one more alternative to tell us that you really like something, you will make the recommendations you see on your profile better suit your tastes”, commented the director of Product Innovation, Christine Doig-Cardet, it’s a statement.

In this way, the ‘I love’ option, which has already begun to be implemented both in the version of Netflix for TV and for the web and iOS and Android devices, serves to fine-tune tastes and that the platform can make more accurate recommendations.

Until now, users who added a ‘Like’ to a movie or series saw other content on similar topics in their recommendations section, while those who clicked ‘I do not like it’ They would stop seeing these types of recommendations.

However, with this new button the platform provides other recommendations related to the series itself and that share, for example, part of its cast or that are from the same producers or screenwriters.

“For example, if you loved The Bridgertons, we would suggest more titles produced by Shondaland or starring members of his cast,” added Doig-Cardet in this writing.

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