Neuburg Animal Shelter Faces Challenge with Highly Contagious Cat Disease

by time news

2023-12-09 03:11:13
A baby cat infected with the highly contagious cat disease, parvovirus, is currently causing problems for the Neuburg animal shelter in Germany. The facility has imposed a ban on admitting cats until the situation is under control.

The baby cat, which was previously free-living, brought the parvovirus into the shelter, making it difficult for the staff to care for the sick animal. Shelter manager Gerd Schmidt stated that employees have to wear protective suits and disinfect frequently to prevent the virus from spreading to other cats in the facility.

As a result of the situation, the shelter has temporarily stopped admitting cats. In urgent cases, those affected can still contact the shelter and a solution will be found, as the shelter has a branch in Etting to accommodate emergencies.

Parvovirus is a life-threatening infectious disease, especially dangerous for young and unvaccinated animals. The animal shelter manager expressed concern for the affected baby cat, believed to have been born in October and previously roaming freely in the Aschelsried area. Although he is optimistic about the cat’s survival, Schmidt worries that other animals from the same area may also be infected.

The state of emergency in the Neuburg animal shelter is expected to last for a few more days, during which employees will continue to take fecal and blood samples from the sick cat until the virus can no longer be detected. However, Schmidt emphasized that there is never 100 percent certainty when dealing with this disease.

The shelter urges individuals with cats in need of emergency care to contact them by telephone for assistance.

This situation serves as a reminder of the importance of vaccinating pets against contagious diseases to prevent outbreaks and protect animal welfare.]
#Contagious #baby #cat #admission #stop

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