Neurology Day, meetings and social campaigns for prevention – Health and Wellbeing

by times news cr

(ANSA) – ROME, 03 OCTOBER – Raising awareness among the population on the importance of prevention and treatment of neurological diseases and on the fundamental role of the neurologist. This is the objective of National Neurology Day, which will be celebrated throughout Italy next Saturday 5 October. Promoted by the Italian Society of Neurology (Sin), the initiative includes meetings, social campaigns, buildings and monuments lit up in blue, and telephone conversations with Sin specialists, who will be available to provide information and answer doubts and questions on the various pathologies .
“Only through knowledge of the symptoms of neurological pathologies by the population and timely access to the specialist for an early diagnosis, will it be possible to combat these diseases which continue to increase – explains Alessandro Padovani, President of the Italian Society of Neurology – For some of them scientific research has produced enormous progress that has changed patients’ perspectives, for others prevention still remains the most powerful weapon in the fight against nervous system pathologies territorial, politicians, decision makers, caregivers and patients who can each contribute their part”.
In our country over 7 million people suffer from migraines, 12 million suffer from sleep disorders and over 2,000,000 people suffer from cognitive impairment or dementia, of which 720,000 from Alzheimer’s disease; There are 800,000 patients living with the disabling consequences of Stroke, a pathology which every year records 180,000 new cases, 500,000 cases with Epilepsy and 400,000 those affected by Movement Disorders including Parkinson’s Disease. Furthermore, on the occasion of Neurology Day, on Friday 4 October in Milan, Sin is organizing, in collaboration with Sda Bocconi and Biogen, the meeting ‘Neurology and the National Health System: what future’, an opportunity to reflect on the future of Neurology within the NHS. (HANDLE).

2024-10-07 10:45:39

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