Neuromuscular diseases, the Nemo Clinical Center in Bologna is born

by time news

2023-07-24 12:50:00

Starting in September, the Bellaria Hospital in Bologna will be reorganized to host a new department at the Irccs Neurological Sciences Institute: a center dedicated to neuromuscular pathologies which will take the name of the Nemo Bologna clinical centre. It is the first completely public Italian center founded on the experience of the Nemo clinical centers (Neurmuscular omnicentre) managed by the Serena onlus Foundation, which provides for the multidisciplinary management of patients, and hospital and home care for adults and children with neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), spinal muscular atrophy (Sma) and muscular dystrophies.

The new department – reads a note – will integrate the healthcare excellence of the Emilia Romagna Region with solid expertise in neuromuscular pathologies linked to the Nemo model to guarantee access to increasingly innovative treatments and enhance hospital-territory pathways and to respond in an increasingly complete and effective way to the complex needs of patients with these pathologies. Initially 4 beds will be activated, which will become 16 within 3 years. There will also be an area dedicated to rehabilitation and research. The reorganization of the ward was presented to patient associations last week by Raffaele Donini, councilor for health policies in Emilia-Romagna; Rocco Liguori, director of the Neurological Specialization School; Paolo Bordon, general manager of the Bologna Ausl, and by the president of the Nemo clinical centres, Alberto Fontana. The patient associations AssiSla, Asamsi, Aism, Aisla, Aisa, Telethon, Uilm also took part in the meeting.

The peculiarity of this approach is that the treatment model is based on multidisciplinarity, thanks to the presence in the wards of professionals with different clinical specialties called to work together to ensure continuity of care. Taking charge accompanies the person and his family throughout his life and in every phase of the disease: the rooms for ordinary hospitalization are therefore flanked by outpatient and day hospital areas, pediatric areas, gyms, common areas, gardens and terraces. The hospital care pathways are therefore accompanied by home care, given that unfortunately you have to live with many of these pathologies throughout your life. The Nemo model also combines diagnosis and treatment with scientific research activity.

“The Emilia area has always been the cradle of experimentation for new development models in the health sector – comments Donini – Models of treatment that are open to all because they are public, but which welcome the experience that comes from the third sector, that is, from the families of the patients themselves. This is why we have embraced this idea, even more so if we consider that treatment is accompanied by the other fundamental cornerstone of scientific research”.

“We are extremely proud – commented Fontana – to be partners of the Emilia-Romagna institutions, which show courage in exploring new paths for the social good. This new treatment opportunity arises from dialogue and the desire to be alongside families, offering answers to the increasingly complex needs of our pathologies. We thus celebrate the foresight of a territory that provides resources and tools for an inclusive vision of society. Nemo puts its experience at the service of the neuromuscular community in this new adventure”.

It is no coincidence that the investment comes from the Irccs Neurological Sciences Institute of Bologna: it is in fact a regional reference center for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, also recognized as part of the Ern, European Reference Network, since January. The coordination in the creation of the Nemo Bologna clinical center was entrusted to Liguori. One of the crucial aspects of the investment – continues the note – is concentrated on the training aimed at the operators of the Institute and provided by Nemo professionals who will transfer clinical, scientific, socio-medical and managerial skills. A Technical-Scientific Committee will guarantee the quality of the services provided both in terms of adherence to the standards of care, as well as their effectiveness. “The innovation of the care processes – concludes Bordon – is the design from which the creation of a new clinical center for neuromuscular diseases in Bologna is born. The ability to systematize the territorial services, integrating hospital treatment paths with home assistance, therefore becomes one of the priorities to guarantee the best response to families”.

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