Neutrinos – The Ghost Particle Able to Pierce Through Our World with Virtually No Interaction: An In-Depth Explanation of the Properties, Classification, and Significance of the Most Common Particles in the Universe, Including Their Origins from the Sun, Detection Challenges, and Potential Applications for Astronomy and Exploration.

by time news

2023-04-27 06:11:49

Neutrinos are one of nature’s most mysterious particles. able to pierce through our world as if it never existed, until it was called the Ghost Particle

The nickname neutrino ghost particle is due to its properties. These are subatomic particles that have virtually no interaction with any other matter on Earth. Neutrinos are the most common particles in the universe. Physicists have hypothesized that about 100 trillion neutrinos from outer space every second. will travel through our bodies without causing any harm Read more about periodic table

One source of neutrino particles is the sun / NASA photo.

Because neutrinos rarely interact with other matter. As a result, these particles are difficult for scientists to detect and analyze. But this does not mean that ghost particles do not interact with other matter at all.

Although there is a small chance of encountering neutrino interactions. but with the fact that There are so many neutrinos, it is thought that some neutrinos have interacted with other matter on Earth. The probability of a neutrino interacting with atoms in the human body is 1 in a trillion times (1×10^24).

Significance and Classification of Neutrinos

The study of neutrinos is therefore important in studying the standard model of particle physics. The study of astrophysics and black holes. including cosmology and the big bang theory

A system for classifying particles in physics, known as the Standard Model. Neutrinos are classified as belonging to the lepton family. Which in this family consists of 3 main particles: neutrinos, electrons muon neutrino and Neutrino Town Each particle has a neutrino and antineutrino associated with it.

neutrinos, neutrinos, ghost particles, neutrinos, physics, particles
Particle Physics Standard Model / Illustration, University of Pennsylvania

Neutrinos are uncharged particles. and show neutrality by its name Although scientists have not yet been able to accurately determine the mass of a neutrino, But they found that it was a very small particle.

Scientists in Germany conducted an experiment called Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino, or KATRIN, and found that a neutrino has a mass of about 0.8 electron volts, or eV. potential difference of 1 volt)

It might seem strange that scientists represent units of weight by units of energy. This is explained by going back to Albert Einstein’s famous equation (E = mc^2), because the gram representation is very small. The mass of a 0.8 eV neutrino is 1.4×10^–36 kilograms (ten to the minus thirty-sixth). Neutrinos are about ten thousand times less massive than electrons.

From the KATRIN experiment, scientists have found more information that Neutrinos do not react. with a strong nuclear force It is the force that holds together the nuclei of atoms. On the other hand, neutrinos interact with weak forces. that controls the decay of radioactive elements, and that is the formation of neutrinos. In the KATRIN experiment, scientists were able to measure the mass of a neutrino by decaying the tritium isotope.

neutrinos, neutrinos, ghost particles, neutrinos, physics, particles
Elemental radiation simulation / illustration FLY:D

discovery of neutrino particles

in the study of physics energy topics and angular momentum They are two fundamentals in the study of energy conservation. We can’t generate energy from nothing. And angular momentum cannot disappear.

Back in the 1930s, the famous quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli discovered that while the nucleus of a radioactive element decays to form beta particles. according to the law of conservation of energy and angular momentum A new kind of uncharged particle is needed. No mass or very little mass And the half-particle quantum spin means that the nucleus does not emit only beta particles. But there are other particles that have neither a charge nor a mass. The distribution of energy to this mysterious particle sometimes more and sometimes less, so beta particles have some small and some large energy, as experimenters see.

Pauli’s hypothesis did not receive much attention from scientists of that era until 1957 when Enrico Fermi proposed the theory of radioactive decay. He named this secret particle the neutrino (neutrino), although it has not yet been seen because the particle has no mass. and has no charge, but has energy (light is another massless particle Neutrinos (neutrinos, but energetic) therefore rarely interact with particles at all. Still, most physicists believe that neutrinos exist in nature.

neutrinos, neutrinos, ghost particles, neutrinos, physics, particles
various particle simulations that moves through the world / illustrated by Dan Cristian Pădureț

It remained only theoretical until 1971, when American physicists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Kyde Cowan and Frederic Greenes, successfully detected a neutrino. first time from this great success Reines was awarded the 1995 Nobel Prize in Physics, and Cowan had died earlier. therefore did not live to admire the award

Natural neutrinos originate from the Sun. Hans Bethe explained that neutrinos are formed by a number of events, such as when hydrogen nuclei bond to form helium. Or it can happen when protons are accelerated to collide with heavy metals. Or it can occur in an atomic reactor.

From such information, it makes Raymond Davis, an American physicist. The University of Pennsylvania, USA wants to count neutrinos from the sun. He designed the experiment with all his might. by taking a tank with a volume of 380 cubic meters containing pure perchlorethylene solution (perchloroethyene: CC) weighing 615 tonnes buried 1,500 ter underground in the area of ​​the homestake gold mine. in the state of South Dakota The spirit of being a physicist conducting experiments in deep underground mines like this. Davis has been dubbed the “Cowboy Physicist”

Davis knew that neutrinos formed by fusion reactions in the Sun traveling through space collided with chlorine atoms in the molecule, converting chlorine atoms into argon atoms because argon atoms are radioactive with a life of about 50 days.

Davis’ experiment created a new controversy in physics. Because the theory predicts that Of the chlorine atoms in a bucket of 10 atoms, only 6-8 will react with neutrinos. Then 6-8 atoms of argon are formed, but Davis sees only 2.1 + 0.3 atoms, that’s just 1/3 of the expected value. As a result, physicists considered Davis’ design to be in error. However, Masatoshi Koshiba’s Kamiokande Laboratory’s Japanese detection experiment yielded similar results to Davis’ experiment.

neutrinos, ghost particles, neutrinos, physics, particles
Stars in a single universe can emit neutrinos. Therefore, it is the application of measurement tools in the world. to study astronomy

from the discovery of physicists from different hemispheres The other question that follows is that we have a problem with our understanding of neutrinos. Or are we having trouble understanding the facts of the Sun?

Neutrinos are different from other particles. That is, the mass is not constant, with 1 neutrino particle having different types of neutrinos. (newtree in electron muon neutrino and neutrino towns are mixed) in different ratios. Because the masses of the three neutrinos change at different speeds.

The speed of change depends on the different masses. Neutrino energy and a constant that determines the rate of change In the Standard Model of Physics, the three types of neutrinos Photons have no mass, so the velocity of neutrinos must be the speed of light. But if a neutrino is able to change, it must have mass, so it travels at a speed less than that of light.

Measuring the masses of all three neutrinos is a very important issue in physics. And it became a famous issue because in 1998, a research team consisting of 120 physicists under the leadership of Takagi Kajita of the University of Tokyo With more than 40 billion baht in research funding from the Japanese government has shown that Neutrinos are particles with mass.

The experimental results show that The number of solar neutrinos at ground level is greater than at higher altitudes, i.e. muon neutrinos have shifted. So it’s about 10 million times less massive than the electron.

current experiment and the future of neutrinos

from past experiments Causing scientists to question the next. How do neutrinos have mass? Physicists from all over the world are racing to determine the true mass of neutrinos. Led by superpowers such as China, Japan, the United States and Europe, one interesting project is the ICECUBE South Pole project. To find the secrets hidden in the universe as we know it through the application of neutrinos in exploration.

Today, the majority of neutrino applications are stellar exploration projects. and exploring into the bottom of the ground to the core which is a point that humans have never been to

Searched and compiled Napatradanai.





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