“Never seen such a mess”: between overbilling and delivery delays, Primagaz customers are breaking down

by time news

2023-12-21 00:11:16

It’s once again the story of a big computer bug that causes a big mess. For several weeks, the management system for all of Primagaz’s commercial and administrative activities has been giving gray hairs to the group’s 660 employees. To the point of seeing the entire distribution of gas in bottles or tanks turned upside down.

“I have been a customer since 2015, I have never seen such a mess,” explains Déborah, 38 years old. I live with my partner and my three children in Saint-Laurent-Nouan (Loir-et-Cher), very close to the nuclear power plant. We do not have town gas (in France, 25,000 municipalities out of the 36,000 in the country are not connected to the national network). Our house is therefore equipped with an individual gas heating system powered by a tank. » In September, Déborah noticed a first problem: her monthly payment of 122 euros was taken twice. Primagaz recognizes its error and reimburses it two weeks later. But it does not stop there. “Taking into account our consumption in 2023, they also owe us an overpayment of 450 euros. There, I am still waiting for the reimbursement, despite multiple reminders. »

Deborah is not the only one to encounter difficulties. A look at different consumer sites, like TotalBug for example, gives an idea of ​​the scale of the problem. ” Is there a pilot on the plane ? If we need to change distributor, provide the information and stop taking us for pigeons, we’re tired of it! », Laurence gets angry on December 15.

“When we call, we will be delivered the next day, we wait and then nothing”

To all these customers, Primagaz is satisfied with a standard response in which it explains that it is “facing major technical challenges, linked to a recent change in our management tool”. Including when families describe even more worrying situations: “Thank you Primagaz for not having delivered to us on time, we find ourselves without heating or hot water in the middle of December”, writes Marina, still on TotalBug, the December 9. While specifying that she made the request on November 10 and above all that she lives with her four-month-old baby.

Other consumer sites are relaying similar difficulties: “Delivery postponed three times, we are being lied to on the phone,” protests Andrée, “as recently as this weekend, on Trustpilot this time. We will find ourselves without heating or maintenance for a month and a half. It feels like it’s 1990. When you call, you’ll be delivered the next day. We wait and then nothing. It’s unbearable. » For her part, Déborah ended up making a report on Signal Conso. Except that the fraud prevention site (DGCCRF) is content to transmit Primagaz’s response: a copy and paste of that already visible on the forums cited above.

“Customers out of stock will receive a credit of 80 euros”

Contacted (without going through customer service, which has been unreachable for weeks), the management of the group (which has more than 200,000 customers, individuals but also businesses or communities), recognizes difficulties. “We are indeed going through a delicate situation. It’s been twenty years since we last updated our computer system,” soberly repeats Vincent Chabrolle, the group’s sales director, who puts forward the figure of “a few hundred, less than a thousand” customers still waiting for service. a delivery, while indicating that they are not yet able to have more precise figures.

When can they expect to see a delivery truck arrive at their house again? “We are already seeing a clear improvement,” says Vincent Chabrolle. Although we are still having trouble identifying a few customers. » And what about a commercial gesture? “Customers in breach of contract due to us, in accordance with our commercial conditions, will have access to the delivery service guarantee and will receive a compensation credit of 80 euros,” he specifies.

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