Never so few readers but young women give hope

by time news

2023-05-18 12:35:21 – In Italy we read little, and less and less: according to the latest Istat report on “Reading books and using libraries”, only 6.4% are strong readers, i.e. they have read at least 12 books in the ‘last year. The majority, 17.45, are weak, meaning they read a maximum of 3 books in a year, while 15.4% are average, meaning (3-11 books).

The report contains worrying data that is published on the very day the Turin Book Fairthe most popular literary event on the Italian cultural scene: in 2022, the share of people aged 6 and over who read at least in the last year was 39.3% a book for reasons that are not strictly scholastic or professional (they were 40.8% in 2021), marking its lowest level in 25 years. But the new generations bode well: the largest share of readers is observed tamong young people up to the age of 24, with the highest peaks between 11 and 14 (57.1%). By far, the audience most fond of reading is represented by girls aged 11-14, among whom more than 6 out of 10 have read at least one book in the year. The analysis by age groups highlights in 2022 a greater share of readers among the youngest (up to 24 years), with higher peaks especially among 11 and 14 years (57.1%). although among the very young the overall reading does not exceed three books a year for one in two readers. Starting from 25 years old the habit of reading decreases, although among the population aged 55-59 a growing trend is observed, which however decreases among the population over 64 years old.

The gender difference is relevant: the percentage of female readers is 44%that of readers by 34.3%.

The habit of reading is more widespread in the central-northern regions: in 2022, 46.3% of people living in the North-West, 45.8% of those living in the North-East and 42.4% of those living in the Center read at least one book. In the South, the share of readers is 27.9% while in the islands the reality is very different between Sicily (24.0%) and Sardinia (40.0%). Furthermore, the habit of reading is much more widespread in the central municipalities of metropolitan areas, where in 2022 they declare themselves readers almost half of the inhabitants (47.8%). The level of education also represents a discriminating element for reading habits: among people aged 25 or over, 68.9% of graduates read books, 43.2% of diploma holders and only 17 .1% of those who have at most the middle school certificate.

Book Hall

“For five days and five nights, the Book Fair transforms Turin into the world capital of culture. It’s a very exciting thing and it’s not obvious that it happens every year”. To say so, the director of the Turin International Book Fair Nicholas Lagioiaon the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Lingotto book fair.

“It is my last as director – he explained – but not least as a visitor. I found my first job at the Book Fair, it must be remembered that it is not a fair, but it is a Fair with lots of publishers’ stands”. “Seven years have been formative – he continued – also as a human experience. Every year the Show has given better results than the previous year. Visitors, publishers and spaces have increased in recent years. I think everyone’s ambition is to leave an institution much stronger than how we found it”.

Applause for Emilia Romagna

A long round of applause for Emilia Romagna rose from the Turin International Book Fair during the inauguration ceremony. “We send a big hug to Emilia Romagna” said Silvio Viale, president of the Turin City of Books Association as he opened the ceremony. Publishers from Emilia Romagna have all been confirmed at the Lingotto.

#readers #young #women #give #hope

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