New appointments in the military rabbinate: these are the new positions

by time news

During a placement discussion that took place today (Sunday), the military rabbinate approved a series of new appointments in the ranks of major. The chief rabbi of the IDF, Brigadier General Rabbi Eil Karim, presided over the discussion, which is now awaiting the approval of the Personnel Division in the Personnel Division.

These appointments are added to four appointments that were approved about two weeks ago by the committee of the Chief Rabbinate, among them to the position of head of the Kosher branch, to which Lt. Col. Rabbi Neria Rosenthal will be appointed, to the position of Chief of the Central Command, Major Rabbi Horowitz Aryeh will be appointed, who will be promoted to the rank of Lt. Col., and to the position of Chief of the Air Force, R. Rabbi Yossi in Rasheshat.

Rabbi Karim and the members of the military rabbinate Photo: IDF spokesman

These are the new appointments in the military rabbinate

Major Rabbi Guy Mazoz was appointed to the position of Chief of Staff for Control and Audit

Major Rabbi Aharon Shmuel Arad was appointed for the position of head of training for rabbinical professions in Behad 11

Major Rabbi Yosef Levin was agreed for the position of rabbi for the steel designer

Major Rabbi Avishi Peretz was appointed to the position of Chief Rabbinate of the Rabbinate and Policy

Major Rabbi Avraham Amkays was agreed for the position of rabbi of the IOS division

Major Rabbi Aviad Hazani was appointed for the post of Rabbi Ezbet Adom.

Change in the appointment of the chief rabbi to the IDF following the coalition agreements

As a reminder, as part of the coalition agreements, it was decided that the chief military rabbi would be appointed by a committee headed by the Sephardi chief rabbi, the first for Zion, and not by the Chief of Staff. This was published here on the 11th by Roy Sharon. The change was stipulated in the coalition agreements between Religious Zionism and Likud, which concluded that legislation would be enacted “The law strengthening the status of the chief military rabbi which determines his status, through the appointment and halachic independence of the rabbi”.

According to the law, a committee chaired by Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef will appoint the Chief Military Rabbi. The committee will consist of a representative of the government, a yeshiva leader, two more representatives of yeshiva organizations, the head of AKA and a former rabchar.

Rabbi Rabbi Karim Photo: Flash 90. Hadas Proosh

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