New bill to regulate charging stations

by time news

A duplicate bill was introduced in Parliament yesterday to ensure that new buildings or buildings undergoing major renovations have the necessary chargers for electric vehicles.

Every car and motorcycle should have chargers with a capacity of at least 1.3 kilo watt ampere (kVA).

ஒட்­டு­மொத்த கட்­ட­டத்­துக்­கும் மின்­சார வாக­னங்­க­ளுக்­குத் தேவை­யான மின்­னூட்­டி­கள் இருப்­ப­தும் அவ­சி­ய­மா­கிறது.

The Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Bill will give the Land Transport Authority the power to regulate charging stations used in Singapore.

The commission will be tasked with issuing licenses to companies running charging stations and ensuring that buildings have the necessary chargers.

At the same time, companies can determine the power and types of chargers installed in buildings.

The government put the proposed legislation up for public consultation last June.

That means at least one percent of all parking spaces in new buildings should have chargers, and 15 percent of parking spaces should have charging facilities to meet the demand for future electric cars.

The Land Transport Authority said a driver in Singapore would only need to charge once every five to seven days, based on the distance drivers travel, the amount of electricity required and the average range of chargers.

According to the revised bill, one in five parking spaces can have 7.4 kilowatt charging stations with a minimum capacity of 1.3 kilowatt amps per car and motorcycles.

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