New blow from the Electoral Board to the Government spokesperson: opening of the second file

by time news

2023-05-10 18:39:12

The Government has promoted an electoral campaign at the blow of an announcement with measures mainly in the area of ​​housing, but it is also finding the brake on the part of the Central Electoral Board (JEC) due to some attitudes of its spokesperson Isabel Rodríguez. In this sense, the JEC has opened a second file against the spokesperson for the demonstrations that she led against the PP at the press conference held in Moncloa on May 3. At this time, a member of the JEC has been appointed to be in charge of the investigation and a proposal for a sanction to be made to the spokesperson, although she has room to present allegations and avoid punishment.

Specifically, the resolution of the JEC states that Rodríguez has violated article 50.2 of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG), which reads as follows: “From the time the elections are called until they are held, any act organized or financed, directly or indirectly, by the public authorities that contains allusions to the accomplishments or achievements obtained, or that uses images or expressions that coincide or are similar to those used in their own campaigns by any of the political entities competing in the elections”.

In addition, the JEC urges Rodríguez “to issue the appropriate instructions so that during the remainder of the electoral period, allegedly evaluative manifestations remain withdrawn from the institutional website.”

The complaint has come from the PP, who considers that in the press conference on May 3 from Moncloa, Rodríguez, “instead of limiting himself to reporting on the agreements adopted”, once again “focused” his interventions on the popular ones, making ” numerous critical appraisals, using language more typical of an electoral campaign rally than of an institutional act, using numerous evaluative elements and with an obvious electoral connotation”. “He took the opportunity to make a speech of electoral and political content and that had nothing to do with the Agreements adopted,” adds the claim of the PP before the JEC, signed on May 4.

The truth is that the spokeswoman, during her interventions, criticized the PP: on the one hand, she accused the popular of “instrumentalization of Justice” throughout the legislature; on the other, she attacking the plans of Alberto Núñez Feijóo to repeal the “sanchismo”. “What does this desire for repeal consist of, of not proposing anything, but of going against everything,” Rodríguez alluded to during the press conference.

The JEC now opens an investigation process, but denies the PP the request that the maximum fine be imposed, “given that this could only be possible, where appropriate, after the conclusion of the relevant disciplinary proceedings.” According to article 153.1 of the Loreg, the sanctions can range from 300 to 3,000 euros.

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