New Caledonia: separatists reject Darmanin’s invitation to Paris, loyalists satisfied

by time news

Without them. The proposal by Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior and Overseas, to bring Caledonian officials together in Paris in September to open discussions on the political future of New Caledonia satisfies the loyalists, but not the separatists, who denounce a new “coup” by the state. “It’s another coup by the state under pressure from part of the right to impose on us a committee of signatories (of the Nouméa agreement) when we first want bilateral meetings with the State”, reacted Charles Washetine, spokesperson for the Palika-FLNKS, denouncing a “State totally out of its neutrality”.

After announcing at the beginning of the month his arrival in New Caledonia on July 26, with Jean-François Carenco, Minister Delegate in charge of Overseas Territories, Gérald Darmanin instead invited Saturday by a press release the Caledonian leaders to meet in Committee signatories in September in Paris. The meeting of this body, which monitors the application of the decolonization process of the Nouméa agreement (1998), will make it possible “to close the cycle of referendums and to initiate discussions on the future of the archipelago within of the French Republic, “said Mr. Darmanin on Twitter, adding that he would then go” on the spot “.

“If there is a discussion, it is here at home”

This will be the first committee of signatories since the three referendums on the independence of the South Pacific archipelago in 2018, 2020 and 2021, all won by pro-France. The third was largely won by the loyalists (96.5%), due to the boycott of the separatists, who demanded the postponement of the ballot due to the health crisis and have since denounced its “illegitimacy”. “We will not go (to Paris). If there is a discussion, it is here at home and within the framework of bilaterals (with the State), not yet another committee of signatories”, warned Daniel Goa, president of the Caledonian Union and door -word of the FLNKS. The separatist coalition meets in convention on Saturday to formalize its position.

On the other hand, Christopher Gygés, spokesperson for the Ensemble! confederation, welcomed the initiative of Gérald Darmanin “to close the Nouméa agreement and open the next discussions on the basis of the Caledonians’ choice which is to remain in France “. President of the Rassemblement-LR, Thierry Santa described this meeting in Paris as “a good thing”, while considering that it would have been “relevant to send a preliminary mission here to ensure that it is truly useful for something and everyone be present”.

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